Maven Project Parent POM

This POM is the common parent of all of the Maven components in the Apache Maven project. Most of its contents are pinning down version numbers of plugins. It does provide minimal dependencyManagement for plexus-component and plugin-tools annotations.

This POM contains Maven developers information for the Project Team report, sorted by role and id. See the LDAP extract for more accurate committers and PMC members lists.

The reporting Profile

This POM provides reporting profile for rendering documentation during site generation:

  1. mvn -Preporting site

See Plugins report for a list of configured report plugins.

The jdk-toolchain Profile

This POM provides jdk-toolchain profile to activate JDK selection as a toolchain with version requirement configured as minimum java version for the project.

Site Publication

This POM prepares site publication to Apache Maven's site svnpubsub. Every inheriting POM needs to define property with relative path to ${project.artifactId}-LATEST publication uri, and define distributionManagement to avoid automatic inheritance from parent:

  1. <properties>
  2. <>xxx-archives/${project.artifactId}-LATEST</>
  3. </properties>
  4. <distributionManagement>
  5. <site>
  6. <id></id>
  7. <url>scm:svn:${}</url>
  8. </site>
  9. </distributionManagement>

Once this is configured, the site can be published with:

  1. mvn -Preporting site site:stage
  2. mvn scm-publish:publish-scm

See deploying Maven components reference documentation for more information.


As of version 27, this POM sets the Java source and target versions to 1.6. Thus, as any plugin (or other component) moved to version 27+ of this POM, it moves to requiring Java 1.6 (was Java 1.5 since version 21).

Version Release Date
33 (diff, commits) 2018-09-11
32 (diff, commits) 2018-07-18
31 (diff, commits) 2018-02-05
30 (diff, commits) 2016-05-26
27 (diff, commits) 2015-09-23
26 (diff, commits) 2014-11-13
25 (diff, commits) 2014-10-22
24 (diff, commits) 2014-03-27
23 (diff, commits) 2013-01-21
22 (diff, commits) 2012-08-08
21 (diff, commits) 2011-08-18
20 (diff, commits) 2011-06-15
19 (diff, commits) 2011-02-15
18 (diff, commits) 2010-11-26
17 (diff, commits) 2010-11-04