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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4    * distributed with this work for additional information
5    * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8    * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    *
10   *
11   *
12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13   * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15   * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
16   * specific language governing permissions and limitations
17   * under the License.
18   */
19  package org.apache.maven.slf4j;
21  import;
22  import java.time.ZoneId;
23  import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
24  import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
25  import java.util.ArrayList;
26  import java.util.List;
28  import org.apache.maven.api.Constants;
29  import org.apache.maven.api.MonotonicClock;
30  import org.slf4j.Logger;
31  import org.slf4j.Marker;
32  import org.slf4j.event.Level;
33  import org.slf4j.event.LoggingEvent;
34  import org.slf4j.helpers.LegacyAbstractLogger;
35  import org.slf4j.helpers.MessageFormatter;
36  import org.slf4j.helpers.NormalizedParameters;
37  import org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger;
39  /**
40   * <p>
41   * Simple implementation of {@link Logger} that sends all enabled log messages,
42   * for all defined loggers, to the console ({@code System.err}). The following
43   * system properties are supported to configure the behavior of this logger:
44   *
45   *
46   * <ul>
47   * <li><code>maven.logger.logFile</code> - The output target which can
48   * be the <em>path</em> to a file, or the special values "System.out" and
49   * "System.err". Default is "System.err".</li>
50   *
51   * <li><code>maven.logger.cacheOutputStream</code> - If the output
52   * target is set to "System.out" or "System.err" (see preceding entry), by
53   * default, logs will be output to the latest value referenced by
54   * <code>System.out/err</code> variables. By setting this parameter to true, the
55   * output stream will be cached, i.e. assigned once at initialization time and
56   * re-used independently of the current value referenced by
57   * <code>System.out/err</code>.</li>
58   *
59   * <li><code>maven.logger.defaultLogLevel</code> - Default log level
60   * for all instances of SimpleLogger. Must be one of ("trace", "debug", "info",
61   * "warn", "error" or "off"). If not specified, defaults to "info".</li>
62   *
63   * <li><code>maven.logger.log.<em>a.b.c</em></code> - Logging detail
64   * level for a SimpleLogger instance named "a.b.c". Right-side value must be one
65   * of "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error" or "off". When a SimpleLogger
66   * named "a.b.c" is initialized, its level is assigned from this property. If
67   * unspecified, the level of nearest parent logger will be used, and if none is
68   * set, then the value specified by
69   * <code>maven.logger.defaultLogLevel</code> will be used.</li>
70   *
71   * <li><code>maven.logger.showDateTime</code> - Set to
72   * <code>true</code> if you want the current date and time to be included in
73   * output messages. Default is <code>false</code></li>
74   *
75   * <li><code>maven.logger.dateTimeFormat</code> - The date and time
76   * format to be used in the output messages. The pattern describing the date and
77   * time format is defined by <a href=
78   * "">
79   * <code>SimpleDateFormat</code></a>. If the format is not specified or is
80   * invalid, the number of milliseconds since start up will be output.</li>
81   *
82   * <li><code>maven.logger.showThreadName</code> -Set to
83   * <code>true</code> if you want to output the current thread name. Defaults to
84   * <code>true</code>.</li>
85   *
86   * <li>(since version 1.7.33 and 2.0.0-alpha6) <code>maven.logger.showThreadId</code> -
87   * If you would like to output the current thread id, then set to
88   * <code>true</code>. Defaults to <code>false</code>.</li>
89   *
90   * <li><code>maven.logger.showLogName</code> - Set to
91   * <code>true</code> if you want the Logger instance name to be included in
92   * output messages. Defaults to <code>true</code>.</li>
93   *
94   * <li><code>maven.logger.showShortLogName</code> - Set to
95   * <code>true</code> if you want the last component of the name to be included
96   * in output messages. Defaults to <code>false</code>.</li>
97   *
98   * <li><code>maven.logger.levelInBrackets</code> - Should the level
99   * string be output in brackets? Defaults to <code>false</code>.</li>
100  *
101  * <li><code>maven.logger.warnLevelString</code> - The string value
102  * output for the warn level. Defaults to <code>WARN</code>.</li>
103  *
104  * </ul>
105  *
106  * <p>
107  * In addition to looking for system properties with the names specified above,
108  * this implementation also checks for a class loader resource named
109  * <code>""</code>, and includes any matching definitions
110  * from this resource (if it exists).
111  *
112  *
113  * <p>
114  * With no configuration, the default output includes the relative time in
115  * milliseconds, thread name, the level, logger name, and the message followed
116  * by the line separator for the host. In log4j terms it amounts to the "%r [%t]
117  * %level %logger - %m%n" pattern.
118  *
119  * <p>
120  * Sample output follows.
121  *
122  *
123  * <pre>
124  * 176 [main] INFO examples.Sort - Populating an array of 2 elements in reverse order.
125  * 225 [main] INFO examples.SortAlgo - Entered the sort method.
126  * 304 [main] INFO examples.SortAlgo - Dump of integer array:
127  * 317 [main] INFO examples.SortAlgo - Element [0] = 0
128  * 331 [main] INFO examples.SortAlgo - Element [1] = 1
129  * 343 [main] INFO examples.Sort - The next log statement should be an error message.
130  * 346 [main] ERROR examples.SortAlgo - Tried to dump an uninitialized array.
131  *   at org.log4j.examples.SortAlgo.dump(
132  *   at org.log4j.examples.Sort.main(
133  * 467 [main] INFO  examples.Sort - Exiting main method.
134  * </pre>
135  *
136  * <p>
137  * This implementation is heavily inspired by
138  * <a href="">Apache Commons Logging</a>'s
139  * SimpleLog.
140  *
141  *
142  * @author Ceki G&uuml;lc&uuml;
143  * @author Scott Sanders
144  * @author Rod Waldhoff
145  * @author Robert Burrell Donkin
146  * @author C&eacute;drik LIME
147  */
148 public class MavenBaseLogger extends LegacyAbstractLogger {
150     protected static final int LOG_LEVEL_TRACE = LocationAwareLogger.TRACE_INT;
151     protected static final int LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = LocationAwareLogger.DEBUG_INT;
152     protected static final int LOG_LEVEL_INFO = LocationAwareLogger.INFO_INT;
153     protected static final int LOG_LEVEL_WARN = LocationAwareLogger.WARN_INT;
154     protected static final int LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = LocationAwareLogger.ERROR_INT;
156     static final char SP = ' ';
157     static final String TID_PREFIX = "tid=";
159     // The OFF level can only be used in configuration files to disable logging.
160     // It has
161     // no printing method associated with it in o.s.Logger interface.
162     protected static final int LOG_LEVEL_OFF = LOG_LEVEL_ERROR + 10;
164     static final SimpleLoggerConfiguration CONFIG_PARAMS = new SimpleLoggerConfiguration();
166     static boolean initialized = false;
168     static void lazyInit() {
169         if (initialized) {
170             return;
171         }
172         initialized = true;
173         init();
174     }
176     // external software might be invoking this method directly. Do not rename
177     // or change its semantics.
178     static void init() {
179         CONFIG_PARAMS.init();
180     }
182     /** The current log level */
183     protected int currentLogLevel = LOG_LEVEL_INFO;
184     /** The short name of this simple log instance */
185     private transient String shortLogName = null;
187     /**
188      * Legacy SLF4J prefix maintained for backwards compatibility
189      */
190     public static final String LEGACY_PREFIX = "org.slf4j.simpleLogger.";
192     /**
193      * Protected access allows only {@link MavenLoggerFactory} and also derived classes to instantiate
194      * MavenLoggerFactory instances.
195      */
196     protected MavenBaseLogger(String name) {
197 = name;
199         String levelString = recursivelyComputeLevelString();
200         if (levelString != null) {
201             this.currentLogLevel = SimpleLoggerConfiguration.stringToLevel(levelString);
202         } else {
203             this.currentLogLevel = CONFIG_PARAMS.defaultLogLevel;
204         }
205     }
207     String recursivelyComputeLevelString() {
208         String tempName = name;
209         String levelString = null;
210         int indexOfLastDot = tempName.length();
211         while ((levelString == null) && (indexOfLastDot > -1)) {
212             tempName = tempName.substring(0, indexOfLastDot);
213             levelString = CONFIG_PARAMS.getStringProperty(Constants.MAVEN_LOGGER_LOG_PREFIX + tempName, null);
214             indexOfLastDot = tempName.lastIndexOf(".");
215         }
216         return levelString;
217     }
219     /**
220      * To avoid intermingling of log messages and associated stack traces, the two
221      * operations are done in a synchronized block.
222      *
223      * @param buf   The StringBuilder containing the log message to be written
224      * @param t     The Throwable object whose stack trace should be written, may be null
225      */
226     protected void write(StringBuilder buf, Throwable t) {
227         PrintStream targetStream = CONFIG_PARAMS.outputChoice.getTargetPrintStream();
229         synchronized (CONFIG_PARAMS) {
230             targetStream.println(buf.toString());
231             writeThrowable(t, targetStream);
232             targetStream.flush();
233         }
234     }
236     protected void writeThrowable(Throwable t, PrintStream targetStream) {
237         if (t != null) {
238             t.printStackTrace(targetStream);
239         }
240     }
242     protected String computeShortName() {
243         return name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
244     }
246     // /**
247     // * For formatted messages, first substitute arguments and then log.
248     // *
249     // * @param level
250     // * @param format
251     // * @param arg1
252     // * @param arg2
253     // */
254     // private void formatAndLog(int level, String format, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
255     // if (!isLevelEnabled(level)) {
256     // return;
257     // }
258     // FormattingTuple tp = MessageFormatter.format(format, arg1, arg2);
259     // log(level, tp.getMessage(), tp.getThrowable());
260     // }
262     // /**
263     // * For formatted messages, first substitute arguments and then log.
264     // *
265     // * @param level
266     // * @param format
267     // * @param arguments
268     // * a list of 3 ore more arguments
269     // */
270     // private void formatAndLog(int level, String format, Object... arguments) {
271     // if (!isLevelEnabled(level)) {
272     // return;
273     // }
274     // FormattingTuple tp = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat(format, arguments);
275     // log(level, tp.getMessage(), tp.getThrowable());
276     // }
278     /**
279      * Is the given log level currently enabled?
280      *
281      * @param logLevel is this level enabled?
282      * @return whether the logger is enabled for the given level
283      */
284     protected boolean isLevelEnabled(int logLevel) {
285         // log level are numerically ordered so can use simple numeric
286         // comparison
287         return (logLevel >= currentLogLevel);
288     }
290     /** Are {@code trace} messages currently enabled? */
291     public boolean isTraceEnabled() {
292         return isLevelEnabled(LOG_LEVEL_TRACE);
293     }
295     /** Are {@code debug} messages currently enabled? */
296     public boolean isDebugEnabled() {
297         return isLevelEnabled(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG);
298     }
300     /** Are {@code info} messages currently enabled? */
301     public boolean isInfoEnabled() {
302         return isLevelEnabled(LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
303     }
305     /** Are {@code warn} messages currently enabled? */
306     public boolean isWarnEnabled() {
307         return isLevelEnabled(LOG_LEVEL_WARN);
308     }
310     /** Are {@code error} messages currently enabled? */
311     public boolean isErrorEnabled() {
312         return isLevelEnabled(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR);
313     }
315     /**
316      * SimpleLogger's implementation of
317      * {@link org.slf4j.helpers.AbstractLogger#handleNormalizedLoggingCall(Level, Marker, String, Object[], Throwable) AbstractLogger#handleNormalizedLoggingCall}
318      * }
319      *
320      * @param level the SLF4J level for this event
321      * @param marker  The marker to be used for this event, may be null.
322      * @param messagePattern The message pattern which will be parsed and formatted
323      * @param arguments  the array of arguments to be formatted, may be null
324      * @param throwable  The exception whose stack trace should be logged, may be null
325      */
326     @Override
327     protected void handleNormalizedLoggingCall(
328             Level level, Marker marker, String messagePattern, Object[] arguments, Throwable throwable) {
330         List<Marker> markers = null;
332         if (marker != null) {
333             markers = new ArrayList<>();
334             markers.add(marker);
335         }
337         innerHandleNormalizedLoggingCall(level, markers, messagePattern, arguments, throwable);
338     }
340     private void innerHandleNormalizedLoggingCall(
341             Level level, List<Marker> markers, String messagePattern, Object[] arguments, Throwable t) {
343         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(32);
345         // Append date-time if so configured
346         if (CONFIG_PARAMS.showDateTime) {
347             DateTimeFormatter formatter = CONFIG_PARAMS.dateFormatter;
348             if (formatter != null) {
349                 ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime =;
350                 String dateText = formatter.format(zonedDateTime);
351                 buf.append(dateText);
352                 buf.append(SP);
353             } else {
354                 buf.append(MonotonicClock.elapsed().toMillis());
355                 buf.append(SP);
356             }
357         }
359         // Append current thread name if so configured
360         if (CONFIG_PARAMS.showThreadName) {
361             buf.append('[');
362             buf.append(Thread.currentThread().getName());
363             buf.append("] ");
364         }
366         if (CONFIG_PARAMS.showThreadId) {
367             buf.append(TID_PREFIX);
368             buf.append(Thread.currentThread().getId());
369             buf.append(SP);
370         }
372         if (CONFIG_PARAMS.levelInBrackets) {
373             buf.append('[');
374         }
376         // Append a readable representation of the log level
377         String levelStr = renderLevel(level.toInt());
378         buf.append(levelStr);
379         if (CONFIG_PARAMS.levelInBrackets) {
380             buf.append(']');
381         }
382         buf.append(SP);
384         // Append the name of the log instance if so configured
385         if (CONFIG_PARAMS.showShortLogName) {
386             if (shortLogName == null) {
387                 shortLogName = computeShortName();
388             }
389             buf.append(shortLogName).append(" - ");
390         } else if (CONFIG_PARAMS.showLogName) {
391             buf.append(name).append(" - ");
392         }
394         if (markers != null) {
395             buf.append(SP);
396             for (Marker marker : markers) {
397                 buf.append(marker.getName()).append(SP);
398             }
399         }
401         String formattedMessage = MessageFormatter.basicArrayFormat(messagePattern, arguments);
403         // Append the message
404         buf.append(formattedMessage);
406         write(buf, t);
407     }
409     protected String renderLevel(int levelInt) {
410         return switch (levelInt) {
411             case LOG_LEVEL_TRACE -> "TRACE";
412             case LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG -> ("DEBUG");
413             case LOG_LEVEL_INFO -> "INFO";
414             case LOG_LEVEL_WARN -> "WARN";
415             case LOG_LEVEL_ERROR -> "ERROR";
416             default -> throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized level [" + levelInt + "]");
417         };
418     }
420     public void log(LoggingEvent event) {
421         int levelInt = event.getLevel().toInt();
423         if (!isLevelEnabled(levelInt)) {
424             return;
425         }
427         NormalizedParameters np = NormalizedParameters.normalize(event);
429         innerHandleNormalizedLoggingCall(
430                 event.getLevel(), event.getMarkers(), np.getMessage(), np.getArguments(), event.getThrowable());
431     }
433     @Override
434     protected String getFullyQualifiedCallerName() {
435         return null;
436     }
437 }