Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstyle 9.3 with config/maven_checks.xml ruleset.


1 7 0 29


org/apache/maven/api/xml/ 7 0 29


Category Rule Violations Severity
blocks LeftCurly
  • option: "nl"
header RegexpHeader
  • fileExtensions: "java"
  • headerFile: "target/checkstyle-header.txt"
javadoc JavadocVariable
  • scope: "protected"
whitespace ParenPad
  • option: "space"



Severity Category Rule Message Line
header RegexpHeader Line does not match expected header line of '^package '. 1
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 22 should be on a new line. 37
javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 43
javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 52
javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 54
javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 56
javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 58
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 89
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 89
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 95
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 95
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 100
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 100
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 45 should be on a new line. 100
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 101
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 101
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 104
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 104
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 118
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 118
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 71 should be on a new line. 118
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 119
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 119
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 123
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 123
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 109 should be on a new line. 123
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 124
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 124
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 32 should be on a new line. 124
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 127
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 127
blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 31 should be on a new line. 127
whitespace ParenPad '(' is not followed by whitespace. 130
whitespace ParenPad ')' is not preceded with whitespace. 130