Class StaticNameMapper

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StaticNameMapper extends Object implements NameMapper
Static NameMapper, always assigns one same name, effectively becoming equivalent to "static" sync context: always maps ANY input to same name.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

  • Method Details Link icon

    • isFileSystemFriendly Link icon

      public boolean isFileSystemFriendly()
      Description copied from interface: NameMapper
      Returns true if lock names returned by this lock name mapper are file system friendly, can be used as file names and paths.
      Specified by:
      isFileSystemFriendly in interface NameMapper
    • nameLocks Link icon

      public Collection<String> nameLocks(RepositorySystemSession session, Collection<? extends Artifact> artifacts, Collection<? extends Metadata> metadatas)
      Description copied from interface: NameMapper
      Creates (opaque) names for passed in artifacts and metadata. Returned collection has max size of sum of the passed in artifacts and metadata collections, or less. If an empty collection is returned, there will be no locking happening. Never returns null. The resulting collection MUST BE "stable" (always sorted by same criteria) to avoid deadlocks by acquiring locks in same order, essentially disregarding the order of the input collections.

      There is no requirement of any kind of "parity" between input element count (sum of two collections, that is) and output collection size, just the returned upper size limit is defined (sum of the passed in two collections size). If returned collection is empty, no locking will happen, if single element, one lock will be used, if two then two named locks will be used etc.

      Note: name mapper must not use same string for artifacts and metadata, so even the simplest possible implementation like StaticNameMapper uses two different static strings.

      Specified by:
      nameLocks in interface NameMapper