Class | Description |
AllResolverDemos |
Runs all demos at once.
DeployArtifacts |
Deploys a JAR and its POM to a remote repository.
FindAvailableVersions |
Determines all available versions of an artifact.
FindNewestVersion |
Determines the newest version of an artifact.
GetDependencyHierarchy |
Visualizes the transitive dependencies of an artifact similar to m2e's dependency hierarchy view.
GetDependencyTree |
Collects the transitive dependencies of an artifact.
GetDirectDependencies |
Determines the direct dependencies of an artifact as declared in its artifact descriptor (POM).
InstallArtifacts |
Installs a JAR and its POM to the local repository.
ResolveArtifact |
Resolves a single artifact.
ResolveTransitiveDependencies |
Resolves the transitive (compile) dependencies of an artifact.
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