Uses of Interface

Packages that use XMLWriter

Uses of XMLWriter in org.apache.maven.shared.utils.xml

Classes in org.apache.maven.shared.utils.xml that implement XMLWriter
 class PrettyPrintXMLWriter
          XMLWriter with nice indentation

Methods in org.apache.maven.shared.utils.xml with parameters of type XMLWriter
static void Xpp3DomWriter.write(XMLWriter xmlWriter, Xpp3Dom dom)
static void Xpp3DomWriter.write(XMLWriter xmlWriter, Xpp3Dom dom, boolean escape)
static void XmlWriterUtil.writeComment(XMLWriter writer, String comment)
          Convenience method to write XML comment line.
static void XmlWriterUtil.writeComment(XMLWriter writer, String comment, int indent)
          Convenience method to write XML comment line.
static void XmlWriterUtil.writeComment(XMLWriter writer, String comment, int indent, int indentSize)
          Convenience method to write XML comment line.
static void XmlWriterUtil.writeComment(XMLWriter writer, String comment, int indent, int indentSize, int columnSize)
          Convenience method to write XML comment line.
static void XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentLineBreak(XMLWriter writer)
          Convenience method to write XML comment line break.
static void XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentLineBreak(XMLWriter writer, int columnSize)
          Convenience method to write XML comment line break with columnSize as length.
static void XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText(XMLWriter writer, String comment)
          Convenience method to write XML comments between two comments line break.
static void XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText(XMLWriter writer, String comment, int indent)
          Convenience method to write XML comments between two comments line break.
static void XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText(XMLWriter writer, String comment, int indent, int indentSize)
          Convenience method to write XML comment between two comment line break.
static void XmlWriterUtil.writeCommentText(XMLWriter writer, String comment, int indent, int indentSize, int columnSize)
          Convenience method to write XML comments between two comments line break.
static void XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak(XMLWriter writer)
          Convenience method to write one CRLF.
static void XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak(XMLWriter writer, int repeat)
          Convenience method to repeat CRLF.
static void XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak(XMLWriter writer, int repeat, int indent)
          Convenience method to repeat CRLF and to indent the writer by 2.
static void XmlWriterUtil.writeLineBreak(XMLWriter writer, int repeat, int indent, int indentSize)
          Convenience method to repeat CRLF and to indent the writer by indentSize.

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