Interface RunListener

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public interface RunListener
Used by providers to report results. Using this interface integrates the providers together into a common reporting infrastructure.
An instance of a reporter is not guaranteed to be thread-safe and concurrent test frameworks must request an instance of a reporter per-thread from the ReporterFactory.
  • Method Details

    • testSetStarting

      void testSetStarting(TestSetReportEntry report)
      Indicates the start of a given test-set
      report - the report entry describing the testset
      ReporterException - When reporting fails
    • testSetCompleted

      void testSetCompleted(TestSetReportEntry report)
      Indicates end of a given test-set
      report - the report entry describing the testset
      ReporterException - When reporting fails
    • testStarting

      void testStarting(ReportEntry report)
      Event fired when a test is about to start
      report - The report entry to log for
    • testSucceeded

      void testSucceeded(ReportEntry report)
      Event fired when a test ended successfully
      report - The report entry to log for
    • testAssumptionFailure

      void testAssumptionFailure(ReportEntry report)
      Event fired when a test assumption failure was encountered. An assumption failure indicates that the test is not relevant
      report - The report entry to log for
    • testError

      void testError(ReportEntry report)
      Event fired when a test ended with an error (non anticipated problem)
      report - The report entry to log for
    • testFailed

      void testFailed(ReportEntry report)
      Event fired when a test ended with a failure (anticipated problem)
      report - The report entry to log for
    • testSkipped

      void testSkipped(ReportEntry report)
      Event fired when a test is skipped
      report - The report entry to log for
    • testExecutionSkippedByUser

      void testExecutionSkippedByUser()
      Event fired skipping an execution of remaining test-set in other fork(s); or does nothing if no forks. The method is called by SurefireProvider.

      (The event is fired after the Nth test failed to signal skipping the rest of test-set.)