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Surefire Report


[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
25 0 0 0 100% 0.348

Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

Package List

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Package Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time 25 0 0 0 100% 0.348

Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.

Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
ClassMethodIndexerTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.195
PojoStackTraceWriterTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.041
SmartStackTraceParserTest 19 0 0 0 100% 0.112

Test Cases

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]


testClassMethod 0.153
testNPE 0
testRun 0.001
testClass 0


testTrimmedThrowableReal 0.032
testMultiLineMessage 0.004


testSingleNestedWithThread 0.014
testStackTraceWithFocusOnClassAsString 0.01
testNestedFailure 0.047
testNullStackTrace 0
testFailureInBaseClass 0.003
testGetStringWithMethod 0.004
testGetStringFromNested 0.001
testNonClassNameStacktrace 0.001
testLongMessageHandling 0
testClassThatWillFail 0.004
testCollectorWithNested 0.001
testAssertionWithNoMessage 0.002
testDoubleNestedWithThread 0.004
testFailWithFail 0.002
testCollections 0.005
testNestedNpeOutsideTest 0.001
testNullElementInStackTrace 0.003
testGetString 0
testNestedNpe 0.001