Class SchedulingStrategy

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class SchedulingStrategy extends Object implements Destroyable
Specifies the strategy of scheduling whether sequential, or parallel. The strategy may use a thread pool shared with other strategies.
One instance of strategy can be used just by one Scheduler.
The strategy is scheduling tasks in schedule(Runnable) and awaiting them completed in finished(). Both methods should be used in one thread.
Tibor Digana (tibor17)
  • Constructor Details

    • SchedulingStrategy

      protected SchedulingStrategy(org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.log.api.ConsoleLogger logger)
  • Method Details

    • schedule

      protected abstract void schedule(Runnable task)
      Schedules tasks if canSchedule().
      task - runnable to schedule in a thread pool or invoke
      RejectedExecutionException - if task cannot be scheduled for execution
      NullPointerException - if task is null
      See Also:
    • finished

      protected abstract boolean finished() throws InterruptedException
      Waiting for scheduled tasks to finish. New tasks will not be scheduled by calling this method.
      true if successfully stopped the scheduler, else false if already stopped (a shared thread pool was shutdown externally).
      InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting for scheduled tasks to finish
      See Also:
      • RunnerScheduler.finished()
    • stop

      protected abstract boolean stop()
      Stops scheduling new tasks (e.g. by ExecutorService.shutdown() on a private thread pool which cannot be shared with other strategy).
      true if successfully stopped the scheduler, else false if already stopped (a shared thread pool was shutdown externally).
      See Also:
    • stopNow

      protected boolean stopNow()
      Stops scheduling new tasks and interrupts running tasks (e.g. by ExecutorService.shutdownNow() on a private thread pool which cannot be shared with other strategy).
      This method calls stop() by default.
      true if successfully stopped the scheduler, else false if already stopped (a shared thread pool was shutdown externally).
      See Also:
    • disable

      protected boolean disable()
      Persistently disables this strategy. Atomically ignores Balancer to acquire a new permit.
      The method canSchedule() atomically returns false.
      true if canSchedule() has return true on the beginning of this method call.
    • setDefaultShutdownHandler

      protected void setDefaultShutdownHandler(Scheduler.ShutdownHandler handler)
    • hasSharedThreadPool

      protected abstract boolean hasSharedThreadPool()
      true if a thread pool associated with this strategy can be shared with other strategies.
    • canSchedule

      protected boolean canSchedule()
      true unless stopped, finished or disabled.
    • logQuietly

      protected void logQuietly(Throwable t)