Class Scheduler

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Scheduler extends Object implements org.junit.runners.model.RunnerScheduler
Schedules tests, controls thread resources, awaiting tests and other schedulers finished, and a master scheduler can shutdown slaves.
The scheduler objects should be first created (and wired) and set in runners ParentRunner.setScheduler(org.junit.runners.model.RunnerScheduler).
A new instance of scheduling strategy should be passed to the constructor of this scheduler.
Tibor Digana (tibor17)
  • Constructor Details

    • Scheduler

      public Scheduler(org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.log.api.ConsoleLogger logger, org.junit.runner.Description description, SchedulingStrategy strategy)
      Use e.g. parallel classes have own non-shared thread pool, and methods another pool.
      You can use it with one infinite thread pool shared in strategies across all suites, class runners, etc.
      logger - console logger
      description - JUnit description of class
      strategy - scheduling strategy
    • Scheduler

      public Scheduler(org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.log.api.ConsoleLogger logger, org.junit.runner.Description description, SchedulingStrategy strategy, int concurrency)
      Should be used if schedulers in parallel children and parent use one instance of bounded thread pool.
      Set this scheduler in a e.g. one suite of classes, then every individual class runner should reference Scheduler(ConsoleLogger, org.junit.runner.Description, Scheduler, SchedulingStrategy) or Scheduler(ConsoleLogger, org.junit.runner.Description, Scheduler, SchedulingStrategy, int).
      logger - current logger implementation
      description - description of current runner
      strategy - scheduling strategy with a shared thread pool
      concurrency - determines maximum concurrent children scheduled a time via schedule(Runnable)
      NullPointerException - if null strategy
    • Scheduler

      public Scheduler(org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.log.api.ConsoleLogger logger, org.junit.runner.Description description, SchedulingStrategy strategy, Balancer balancer)
      New instances should be used by schedulers with limited concurrency by balancer against other groups of schedulers. The schedulers share one pool.
      Unlike in Scheduler(ConsoleLogger, org.junit.runner.Description, SchedulingStrategy, int) which was limiting the concurrency of children of a runner where this scheduler was set, this balancer is limiting the concurrency of all children in runners having schedulers created by this constructor.
      logger - current logger implementation
      description - description of current runner
      strategy - scheduling strategy which may share threads with other strategy
      balancer - determines maximum concurrent children scheduled a time via schedule(Runnable)
      NullPointerException - if null strategy or balancer
    • Scheduler

      public Scheduler(org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.log.api.ConsoleLogger logger, org.junit.runner.Description description, Scheduler masterScheduler, SchedulingStrategy strategy, Balancer balancer)
      Can be used by e.g. a runner having parallel classes in use case with parallel suites, classes and methods sharing the same thread pool.
      logger - current logger implementation
      description - description of current runner
      masterScheduler - scheduler sharing own threads with this slave
      strategy - scheduling strategy for this scheduler
      balancer - determines maximum concurrent children scheduled a time via schedule(Runnable)
      NullPointerException - if null masterScheduler, strategy or balancer
    • Scheduler

      public Scheduler(org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.log.api.ConsoleLogger logger, org.junit.runner.Description description, Scheduler masterScheduler, SchedulingStrategy strategy, int concurrency)
      logger - console logger
      description - JUnit description of class
      masterScheduler - a reference to Scheduler(ConsoleLogger, org.junit.runner.Description, SchedulingStrategy, int) or Scheduler(ConsoleLogger, org.junit.runner.Description, SchedulingStrategy)
      strategy - scheduling strategy
      concurrency - determines maximum concurrent children scheduled a time via schedule(Runnable)
      See Also:
    • Scheduler

      public Scheduler(org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.log.api.ConsoleLogger logger, org.junit.runner.Description description, Scheduler masterScheduler, SchedulingStrategy strategy)
      Should be used with individual pools on suites, classes and methods, see ParallelComputerBuilder.useSeparatePools().
      Cached thread pool is infinite and can be always shared.
      logger - console logger
      description - JUnit description of class
      masterScheduler - parent scheduler
      strategy - scheduling strategy
  • Method Details

    • logQuietly

      protected void logQuietly(Throwable t)
    • logQuietly

      protected void logQuietly(String msg)
    • describeStopped

      protected ShutdownResult describeStopped(boolean stopNow)
      Attempts to stop all actively executing tasks and immediately returns a collection of descriptions of those tasks which have started prior to this call.
      This scheduler and other registered schedulers will stop, see register(Scheduler). If shutdownNow is set, waiting methods will be interrupted via Thread.interrupt().
      stopNow - if true interrupts waiting test methods
      collection of descriptions started before shutting down
    • shutdownThreadPoolsAwaitingKilled

      protected boolean shutdownThreadPoolsAwaitingKilled()
    • beforeExecute

      protected void beforeExecute()
    • afterExecute

      protected void afterExecute()
    • schedule

      public void schedule(Runnable childStatement)
      Specified by:
      schedule in interface org.junit.runners.model.RunnerScheduler
    • finished

      public void finished()
      Specified by:
      finished in interface org.junit.runners.model.RunnerScheduler
    • newShutdownHandler

      protected Scheduler.ShutdownHandler newShutdownHandler()