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Surefire Report


[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
166 0 0 0 100% 8.986 s

Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

Package List

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Package Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
org.apache.maven.surefire.booter 121 0 0 0 100% 8.497 s
org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.spi 45 0 0 0 100% 0.489 s

Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
CommandReaderTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.841 s
PpidCheckerTest 20 0 0 0 100% 2.918 s
SystemUtilsTest$MockTest 2 0 0 0 100% 1.649 s
SystemUtilsTest$PlainUnitTests 21 0 0 0 100% 0.021 s
IsolatedClassLoaderTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.006 s
ForkedBooterTest 12 0 0 0 100% 0.161 s
ForkedBooterMockTest 13 0 0 0 100% 2.850 s
BooterDeserializerTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.020 s
ClasspathTest 15 0 0 0 100% 0 s
PropertiesWrapperTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0 s
SurefireReflectorTest 25 0 0 0 100% 0.031 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
CommandChannelDecoderTest 16 0 0 0 100% 0.040 s
EventChannelEncoderTest 29 0 0 0 100% 0.449 s

Test Cases

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]


twoIterators 0.426 s
stopBeforeReadInThread 0.081 s
shouldAwaitReaderUp 0.042 s
readTwoClassesInThread 0.095 s
readJustOneClass 0.100 s
manyClasses 0.097 s


shouldBeTypeNull 0.278 s
shouldBeTypePing 0.005 s
shouldBeEmptyDump 0.370 s
shouldStartedProcessThrowInterruptedIOException 0.070 s
shouldStartedProcessThrowInterruptedException 0.080 s
shouldBeTypeAll 0 s
canExecuteUnixPs 0 s
shouldNotFindSuchPID 0.007 s
shouldHavePidAtBegin 0.348 s
shouldHaveSystemPathToWmicOnWindows 0 s
shouldParseBusyboxHoursEtime 0 s
shouldHavePid 1.445 s
shouldBeStoppedCheckerWithError 0.135 s
shouldBeTypeNative 0 s
shouldBeException 0 s
shouldNotBeAlive 0.144 s
shouldNotBeValid 0 s
shouldStartedProcessThrowIOException 0.036 s
shouldParseEtime 0 s
shouldBeStopped 0 s


shouldBeSameJdk9 1.640 s
shouldBeDifferentJdk9 0.009 s


shouldBePidOnJMX 0 s
shouldBePidStatusOnBSD 0 s
shouldBeMockPidStatusOnBSD 0 s
shouldBeJavaVersion 0 s
shouldFindClassLoader 0.011 s
shouldBePlatformClassLoader 0 s
shouldExtractJdkHomeFromJreExec 0.005 s
shouldNotHaveJavaPath 0 s
shouldExtractJdkHomeFromJdk 0 s
shouldExtractJdkHomeFromJre 0 s
shouldBePid 0 s
shouldBePidOnJigsaw 0 s
shouldParseProprietaryReleaseFile 0 s
shouldHaveJavaPath 0 s
shouldNotExtractJdkHomeFromJreExec 0 s
shouldBePidStatusOnLinux 0 s
shouldBeMockPidStatusOnLinux 0 s
shouldExtractJdkHomeFromRealPath 0 s
shouldExtractJdkHomeFromJavaExec 0 s
shouldNotExtractJdkHomeFromJavaExec 0 s
shouldNotFindClassLoader 0.005 s


shouldLoadIsolatedClass 0.006 s


testThreadDump 0.005 s
shouldGenerateThreadDump 0.005 s
testPropsNotExist 0 s
testPropsExist 0.081 s
testBarrier1 0.010 s
testBarrier2 0 s
shouldNotBeDebugMode 0 s
shouldReadSurefireProperties 0.060 s
shouldFindCurrentProcessName 0 s
testScheduler 0 s
shouldCreateScheduler 0 s
testIsDebug 0 s


shouldCloseChannelProcessorFactory 1.604 s
shouldFailOnCloseChannelProcessorFactory 0.022 s
shouldLookupSurefireDecoderFactory 0.315 s
shouldNotCloseChannelProcessorFactory 0 s
shouldLookupLegacyDecoderFactory 0 s
shouldCheckNewPingMechanism 0.008 s
shouldNotParseUUID 0.016 s
testMainWithError 0.030 s
shouldScheduleFlushes 0.764 s
testFlushEventChannelOnExit 0.051 s
shouldAuthenticate 0.014 s
testMain 0.026 s
shouldParseUUID 0 s


testStartupConfiguration 0.020 s


testShouldJoinTwoNullClasspaths 0 s
testShouldNotBeAbleToRemoveElement 0 s
testDontLoadInNewClassLoader 0 s
testCompactLog 0 s
testLog 0 s
testShouldWriteSeparatedElementsAsSystemProperty 0 s
testShouldNotAddNullAsClassPathElementUrl 0 s
testShouldAddNoDuplicateElements 0 s
testShouldHaveAllElementsAfterJoiningTwoDifferentClasspaths 0 s
testShouldNotHaveDuplicatesAfterJoiningTowClasspathsWithEqualElements 0 s
testLoadInNewClassLoader 0 s
testShouldWriteEmptyPropertyForEmptyClasspath 0 s
testCloneShouldBeEqual 0 s
testShouldThrowIllegalArgumentExceptionWhenNullIsAddedAsClassPathElementUrl 0 s
testIterator 0 s


testAddList 0 s
testWriteToProperties 0 s
testRoundtrip 0 s
testReadFromPropertiesWithEmptyProperties 0 s
testReadFromProperties 0 s


testDecoderRunClass 0.010 s
shouldIgnoreDamagedHeader 0 s
shouldNotDecodeCorruptedCommand 0.005 s
shouldIgnoreDamagedStream 0 s
shouldDecodeTwoCommands 0.005 s
testDecoderShutdownWithExit 0 s
testDecoderShutdownWithKill 0.005 s
testDecoderTestsetFinished 0 s
testIncompleteCommandStart 0 s
testIncompleteCommand 0.005 s
testDecoderByeAck 0 s
testBinaryCommandStream 0.005 s
testDecoderNoop 0.005 s
shouldSkipCorruptedCommand 0 s
testDecoderSkipSinceNextTest 0 s
testDecoderShutdownWithDefault 0 s


testAssumptionFailure 0.160 s
testStdErrStreamLn 0 s
testBye 0 s
testError 0.010 s
testConsoleWarning 0 s
testAcquireNextTest 0 s
testSendOpcode 0 s
reportEntry 0.030 s
testStdErrStream 0 s
testStdErrStreamEmptyMessageNullRunMode 0 s
testInterruptHandling 0 s
shouldHandleExit 0 s
shouldHandleExitWithTrimmedTrace 0 s
testStopOnNextTest 0 s
testConsoleErrorLog1 0.009 s
testConsoleErrorLog2 0 s
testConsoleErrorLog3 0 s
testSetCompleted 0 s
testFailed 0 s
testStdOutStream 0 s
testConsoleDebug 0 s
testConsoleError 0 s
testConsoleInfo 0.011 s
testSkipped 0 s
shouldCountSameNumberOfSystemProperties 0.224 s
testStdErrStreamEmptyMessageNullTestId 0 s
testStdOutStreamLn 0 s
testStarting 0 s
testSuccess 0.005 s


testNullTestSuiteDefinition 0.011 s
testNullArtifactInfo 0 s
testSetDirectoryScannerParameters 0.005 s
testTestClassLoader 0 s
testInstantiateProvider 0 s
testReporterFactory 0 s
testConvertIfRunResult 0 s
testArtifactInfoAware 0 s
testSetTestSuiteDefinitionAware 0 s
testSetProviderPropertiesAware 0 s
testReporterFactoryAware 0 s
testSetSkipAfterFailureCount 0 s
testReporterConfiguration 0 s
testSetMainCliOptions 0 s
testArtifactInfo 0 s
testSetIfDirScannerAware 0 s
testProviderProperties 0 s
testRunOrderParametersWithRunOrderRandomSeed 0 s
testNullRunOrderParameters 0 s
testTestClassLoaderAware 0 s
testShouldCreateFactoryWithoutException 0.010 s
testRunOrderParameters 0 s
testSetSystemExitTimeout 0 s
testTestSuiteDefinition 0.005 s
testNullSetDirectoryScannerParameters 0 s