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Using the Spock based on JUnit5 engine

Sample project with Spock/Groovy and JUnit5

This sample code shows you how the Failsafe plugin works with Spock/Groovy and JUnit5. The project contains two dependencies spock-core and junit-jupiter-engine, and Groovy compiler gmavenplus-plugin.

You can create tests in test source directory for Groovy (i.e., src/test/groovy). This is an example with parameterized test which is executed twice.

import pkg.Calculator
import spock.lang.Specification

class CalculatorTest extends Specification
    def "Multiply: #a * #b = #expectedResult"()
        given: "Calculator"
        def calc = new Calculator()

        when: "multiply"
        def result = calc.multiply( a, b )

        then: "result is as expected"
        result == expectedResult
        println "result = ${result}"

        a  | b | expectedResult
        1  | 2 | 3
        -5 | 2 | -3

If you want to additionally mix Spock tests with the JUnit4, you should add the JUnit Vintage Engine in the test dependencies.
