
Full name:



Creates a properties file with the effective values of some user-defined expressions. Unlike Maven's built-in expression syntax for interpolation, these expressions use forward slashes to navigate down the object graph and support access to individual collection/array elements. Furthermore, the result of an expression need not be a scalar value but can also be a collection/array or a bean-like object (from the Maven model). For example, the expression "project/dependencies/0" would extract the first project dependency. In more detail, this example expression could output the following keys to the properties file:
project.dependencies.0.groupId = org.apache.maven
project.dependencies.0.artifactId = maven-project
project.dependencies.0.type = jar
project.dependencies.0.version = 2.0
project.dependencies.0.optional = false
project.dependencies.0.exclusions = 2
project.dependencies.0.exclusions.0.groupId = plexus
project.dependencies.0.exclusions.0.artifactId = plexus-utils
project.dependencies.0.exclusions.1.groupId = plexus
project.dependencies.0.exclusions.1.artifactId = plexus-container-default
Expressions that reference non-existing objects or use invalid collection/array indices silently resolve to null. For collections and arrays, the special index "*" can be used to iterate all elements.


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: initialize.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
expressionList String - The comma separated set of expressions to evaluate.
User property is: expression.expressions.
expressions String[] - The set of expressions to evaluate.
outputFile File - The path to the output file for the properties with the expression values. For each expression given by the parameter expressions an similar named properties key will be used to save the expression value. If an expression evaluated to null, there will be no corresponding key in the properties file.
User property is: expression.outputFile.

Parameter Details


The comma separated set of expressions to evaluate.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: expression.expressions


The set of expressions to evaluate.
  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Required: No


The path to the output file for the properties with the expression values. For each expression given by the parameter expressions an similar named properties key will be used to save the expression value. If an expression evaluated to null, there will be no corresponding key in the properties file.
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • User Property: expression.outputFile