Uses of Class

Packages that use MacroExecutionException

Uses of MacroExecutionException in org.apache.maven.doxia.macro

Methods in org.apache.maven.doxia.macro that throw MacroExecutionException
 void SwfMacro.execute(Sink sink, MacroRequest request)
          Execute the current macro using the given MacroRequest, and emit events into the given sink.
 void Macro.execute(Sink sink, MacroRequest request)
          Execute the current macro using the given MacroRequest, and emit events into the given sink.

Uses of MacroExecutionException in org.apache.maven.doxia.macro.snippet

Methods in org.apache.maven.doxia.macro.snippet that throw MacroExecutionException
 void SnippetMacro.execute(Sink sink, MacroRequest request)
          Execute the current macro using the given MacroRequest, and emit events into the given sink.

Uses of MacroExecutionException in org.apache.maven.doxia.macro.toc

Methods in org.apache.maven.doxia.macro.toc that throw MacroExecutionException
 void TocMacro.execute(Sink sink, MacroRequest request)
          Execute the current macro using the given MacroRequest, and emit events into the given sink.

Uses of MacroExecutionException in org.apache.maven.doxia.parser

Methods in org.apache.maven.doxia.parser that throw MacroExecutionException
 void AbstractParser.executeMacro(String macroId, MacroRequest request, Sink sink)
          Execute a macro on the given sink.
protected  void XhtmlBaseParser.handleEndTag(XmlPullParser parser, Sink sink)
          Goes through the possible end tags.
protected abstract  void AbstractXmlParser.handleEndTag(XmlPullParser parser, Sink sink)
          Goes through the possible end tags.
protected  void XhtmlBaseParser.handleStartTag(XmlPullParser parser, Sink sink)
          Goes through the possible start tags.
protected abstract  void AbstractXmlParser.handleStartTag(XmlPullParser parser, Sink sink)
          Goes through the possible start tags.

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