Welcome to Maven
Latest News
Maven 1.1 released!
25th June 2007
New plugin releases
23th May 2007
Maven 1.1-RC1 released!
11th May 2007
New plugin releases
8th May 2007
All news ...
Known issues
Still using Maven 1.0.x and find that dependencies cannot be downloaded?.
Check this news entry first.
Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model
(POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and
documentation from a central piece of information.
These pages are all about Maven 1.x. The latest version of Maven is the
2.0 tree, which is a complete rewrite of the original Maven application.
For more information on Maven 2, see the main
Maven site.
Note that no further development is planned for the Maven-1.0 branch,
and Maven-1.1 is in maintenance mode, i.e. development is restricted to support and bug fixes.
Getting Started with Maven
- Need Maven to build a project you have downloaded?
Read our Quick Start guide on
how to get and use Maven for a project that is already set up for Maven.
- Want to get Maven up and running on a new project?
Give it the Ten Minute Test! This will show you how to set up
a simple project that uses Maven.
- Want to adapt an existing project to use Maven?
Read our Adapting a Project guide for a guide on how to introduce Maven
to an existing build.
- Familiar with Ant, and want to see how Maven relates to it?
Read our Maven for Ant Users explanatory document.
Help and Feedback
If you have any questions, suggestions or comments about Maven or
this website, please feel free to post them to the
Maven users mailing list.