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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4    * distributed with this work for additional information
5    * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8    * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    *
10   *
11   *
12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13   * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15   * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
16   * specific language governing permissions and limitations
17   * under the License.
18   */
19  package org.apache.maven.index.reader;
21  import java.util.HashMap;
22  import java.util.Map;
23  import java.util.function.Function;
25  import org.apache.maven.index.reader.Record.EntryKey;
26  import org.apache.maven.index.reader.Record.Type;
28  import static org.apache.maven.index.reader.Utils.FIELD_SEPARATOR;
29  import static org.apache.maven.index.reader.Utils.FS_PATTERN;
30  import static org.apache.maven.index.reader.Utils.INFO;
31  import static org.apache.maven.index.reader.Utils.NOT_AVAILABLE;
32  import static org.apache.maven.index.reader.Utils.UINFO;
33  import static org.apache.maven.index.reader.Utils.renvl;
35  /**
36   * Maven Index record transformer, that transforms "native" Maven Indexer records into {@link Record}s.
37   *
38   * @since 5.1.2
39   */
40  public class RecordExpander implements Function<Map<String, String>, Record> {
41      /**
42       * Expands MI low level record into {@link Record}.
43       */
44      @Override
45      public Record apply(final Map<String, String> recordMap) {
46          if (recordMap.containsKey("DESCRIPTOR")) {
47              return expandDescriptor(recordMap);
48          } else if (recordMap.containsKey("allGroups")) {
49              return expandAllGroups(recordMap);
50          } else if (recordMap.containsKey("rootGroups")) {
51              return expandRootGroups(recordMap);
52          } else if (recordMap.containsKey("del")) {
53              return expandDeletedArtifact(recordMap);
54          } else {
55              // Fix up UINFO field wrt MINDEXER-41
56              final String uinfo = recordMap.get(UINFO);
57              final String info = recordMap.get(INFO);
58              if (uinfo != null && !(info == null || info.trim().length() == 0)) {
59                  final String[] splitInfo = FS_PATTERN.split(info);
60                  if (splitInfo.length > 6) {
61                      final String extension = splitInfo[6];
62                      if (uinfo.endsWith(FIELD_SEPARATOR + NOT_AVAILABLE)) {
63                          recordMap.put(UINFO, uinfo + FIELD_SEPARATOR + extension);
64                      }
65                  }
66              }
67              return expandAddedArtifact(recordMap);
68          }
69      }
71      private static Record expandDescriptor(final Map<String, String> raw) {
72          final Record result = new Record(Type.DESCRIPTOR, new HashMap<>());
73          String[] r = FS_PATTERN.split(raw.get("IDXINFO"));
74          result.put(Record.REPOSITORY_ID, r[1]);
75          return result;
76      }
78      private static Record expandAllGroups(final Map<String, String> raw) {
79          final Record result = new Record(Type.ALL_GROUPS, new HashMap<>());
80          putIfNotNullAsStringArray(raw, "allGroupsList", result, Record.ALL_GROUPS);
81          return result;
82      }
84      private static Record expandRootGroups(final Map<String, String> raw) {
85          final Record result = new Record(Type.ROOT_GROUPS, new HashMap<>());
86          putIfNotNullAsStringArray(raw, "rootGroupsList", result, Record.ROOT_GROUPS);
87          return result;
88      }
90      private static Record expandDeletedArtifact(final Map<String, String> raw) {
91          final Record result = new Record(Type.ARTIFACT_REMOVE, new HashMap<>());
92          putIfNotNullTS(raw, "m", result, Record.REC_MODIFIED);
93          if (raw.containsKey("del")) {
94              expandUinfo(raw.get("del"), result);
95          }
96          return result;
97      }
99      /**
100      * Expands the "encoded" Maven Indexer record by splitting the synthetic fields and applying expanded field naming.
101      */
102     private static Record expandAddedArtifact(final Map<String, String> raw) {
103         final Record result = new Record(Type.ARTIFACT_ADD, new HashMap<>());
105         // Minimal
106         expandUinfo(raw.get(UINFO), result);
107         final String info = raw.get(INFO);
108         if (info != null) {
109             String[] r = FS_PATTERN.split(info);
110             result.put(Record.PACKAGING, renvl(r[0]));
111             result.put(Record.FILE_MODIFIED, Long.valueOf(r[1]));
112             result.put(Record.FILE_SIZE, Long.valueOf(r[2]));
113             result.put(Record.HAS_SOURCES, "1".equals(r[3]) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
114             result.put(Record.HAS_JAVADOC, "1".equals(r[4]) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
115             result.put(Record.HAS_SIGNATURE, "1".equals(r[5]) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
116             if (r.length > 6) {
117                 result.put(Record.FILE_EXTENSION, r[6]);
118             } else {
119                 final String packaging = result.getString(Record.PACKAGING);
120                 if (result.containsKey(Record.CLASSIFIER)
121                         || "pom".equals(packaging)
122                         || "war".equals(packaging)
123                         || "ear".equals(packaging)) {
124                     result.put(Record.FILE_EXTENSION, packaging);
125                 } else {
126                     result.put(Record.FILE_EXTENSION, "jar"); // best guess
127                 }
128             }
129         }
130         putIfNotNullTS(raw, "m", result, Record.REC_MODIFIED);
131         putIfNotNull(raw, "n", result, Record.NAME);
132         putIfNotNull(raw, "d", result, Record.DESCRIPTION);
133         putIfNotNull(raw, "1", result, Record.SHA1);
135         // Jar file contents (optional)
136         putIfNotNullAsStringArray(raw, "classnames", result, Record.CLASSNAMES);
138         // Maven Plugin (optional)
139         putIfNotNull(raw, "px", result, Record.PLUGIN_PREFIX);
140         putIfNotNullAsStringArray(raw, "gx", result, Record.PLUGIN_GOALS);
142         // OSGi (optional)
143         putIfNotNull(raw, "Bundle-SymbolicName", result, Record.OSGI_BUNDLE_SYMBOLIC_NAME);
144         putIfNotNull(raw, "Bundle-Version", result, Record.OSGI_BUNDLE_VERSION);
145         putIfNotNull(raw, "Export-Package", result, Record.OSGI_EXPORT_PACKAGE);
146         putIfNotNull(raw, "Export-Service", result, Record.OSGI_EXPORT_SERVICE);
147         putIfNotNull(raw, "Bundle-Description", result, Record.OSGI_BUNDLE_DESCRIPTION);
148         putIfNotNull(raw, "Bundle-Name", result, Record.OSGI_BUNDLE_NAME);
149         putIfNotNull(raw, "Bundle-License", result, Record.OSGI_BUNDLE_LICENSE);
150         putIfNotNull(raw, "Bundle-DocURL", result, Record.OSGI_EXPORT_DOCURL);
151         putIfNotNull(raw, "Import-Package", result, Record.OSGI_IMPORT_PACKAGE);
152         putIfNotNull(raw, "Require-Bundle", result, Record.OSGI_REQUIRE_BUNDLE);
153         putIfNotNull(raw, "Provide-Capability", result, Record.OSGI_PROVIDE_CAPABILITY);
154         putIfNotNull(raw, "Require-Capability", result, Record.OSGI_REQUIRE_CAPABILITY);
155         putIfNotNull(raw, "Fragment-Host", result, Record.OSGI_FRAGMENT_HOST);
156         putIfNotNull(raw, "Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment", result, Record.OSGI_BREE);
157         putIfNotNull(raw, "sha256", result, Record.SHA_256);
159         return result;
160     }
162     /**
163      * Expands UINFO synthetic field. Handles {@code null} String inputs.
164      */
165     private static void expandUinfo(final String uinfo, final Record result) {
166         if (uinfo != null) {
167             String[] r = FS_PATTERN.split(uinfo);
168             result.put(Record.GROUP_ID, r[0]);
169             result.put(Record.ARTIFACT_ID, r[1]);
170             result.put(Record.VERSION, r[2]);
171             String classifier = renvl(r[3]);
172             if (classifier != null) {
173                 result.put(Record.CLASSIFIER, classifier);
174                 if (r.length > 4) {
175                     result.put(Record.FILE_EXTENSION, r[4]);
176                 }
177             } else if (r.length > 4) {
178                 result.put(Record.PACKAGING, r[4]);
179             }
180         }
181     }
183     /**
184      * Helper to put a value from source map into target map, if not null.
185      */
186     private static void putIfNotNull(
187             final Map<String, String> source, final String sourceName, final Record target, final EntryKey targetName) {
188         String value = source.get(sourceName);
189         if (value != null && value.trim().length() != 0) {
190             target.put(targetName, value);
191         }
192     }
194     /**
195      * Helper to put a {@link Long} value from source map into target map, if not null.
196      */
197     private static void putIfNotNullTS(
198             final Map<String, String> source, final String sourceName, final Record target, final EntryKey targetName) {
199         String value = source.get(sourceName);
200         if (value != null && value.trim().length() != 0) {
201             target.put(targetName, Long.valueOf(value));
202         }
203     }
205     /**
206      * Helper to put a collection value from source map into target map as {@link java.util.List}, if not null.
207      */
208     private static void putIfNotNullAsStringArray(
209             final Map<String, String> source, final String sourceName, final Record target, final EntryKey targetName) {
210         String value = source.get(sourceName);
211         if (value != null && value.trim().length() != 0) {
212             target.put(targetName, FS_PATTERN.split(value));
213         }
214     }
215 }