
Recording .buildinfo File

Recording build result into a .buildinfo file is typically done on command line by calling artifact:buildinfo goal after the normal build:

$ mvn clean verify artifact:buildinfo
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ----------------< org.apache.maven.sample:test-project >----------------
[INFO] Building Test Project 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-artifact-plugin:3.0.0:buildinfo (default-cli) @ test-project ---
[INFO] Saved info on build to /tmp/test-project/target/test-project-1.0-SNAPSHOT.buildinfo
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

This records data on the current build results into a .buildinfo file using Reproducible Builds .buildinfo for the JVM format.

Notice that if the build is multi-module, only 1 .buildinfo file is generated, in the last module of the reactor, that will record aggregated results for all the modules.

Checking Reproducible Build: Comparing Current Build Against Previous One

When the artifact:buildinfo goal is used with reference.repo command-line parameter, it uses the parameter value as a reference of a remote repository (either its id like central or an url like to get reference artifacts from it, then compares reference artifacts against current build output to display Reproducible Build output summary:

$ mvn -Papache-release clean verify -Dgpg.skip artifact:buildinfo -Dreference.repo=central
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] --- maven-artifact-plugin:3.0.0:buildinfo (default-cli) @ doxia-module-markdown ---
[INFO] Saved aggregate info on build to /tmp/doxia-1.9.1/doxia-modules/doxia-module-markdown/target/doxia-module-markdown-1.9.1.buildinfo
[INFO] Checking against reference build from central...
Downloading from central:
[WARNING] Reference buildinfo file not found: it will be generated from downloaded reference artifacts
[INFO] Reference build java.version: 1.8 (from MANIFEST.MF Build-Jdk-Spec)
[INFO] Reference build Unix (from newline)
[INFO] Minimal buildinfo generated from downloaded artifacts: /tmp/doxia-1.9.1/target/reference/doxia-module-markdown-1.9.1.buildinfo
[INFO] Reproducible Build output summary: 38 files ok