Package org.apache.maven.plugin.jira

Interface Summary
JiraQueryBuilder An interface for building a search query for JIRA.

Class Summary
AbstractJiraDownloader Abstract API, more or less, to retrieving issue information from JIRA.
AdaptiveJiraDownloader Jira downloader that uses REST or RSS, depending.
ClassicJiraDownloader Gets relevant issues for a JIRA report via HTTP/RSS.
JiraHelper A helper class with common JIRA related functionality.
JIRAIssueManagmentSystem The JIRA issue management system.
JiraMojo Goal which downloads issues from the Issue Tracking System and generates a report.
JiraXML XML parser that extracts Issues from JIRA.
JqlQueryBuilder Builder for a JIRA query using the JIRA query language.
ParameterQueryBuilder JIRA 3.x way of constructing a search query based on URL parameters.
RestJiraDownloader Use the JIRA REST API to implement the download.
UrlBuilder Builder for a URL which build up of host part, a context part and 0 or more parameters.

Exception Summary

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