Package org.apache.maven.plugin.changes

Class Summary
AbstractChangesReport Base class with the things that should be in AbstractMavenReport anyway.
ChangesCheckMojo Goal which checks that the changes.xml file has the necessary data to generate an announcement or a report for the current release.
ChangesMojo Goal which creates a nicely formatted Changes Report in html format from a changes.xml file.
ChangesReportGenerator Generates a changes report.
ChangesValidatorMojo Goal which validate the changes.xml file.
ChangesXML A facade for a changes.xml file.
IssueAdapter An adapter that can adapt data models from other issue management system to the data models used in the changes.xml file.
ProjectUtils A utility class for working with Project objects.
ReleaseUtils A utility class for working with Release objects.

Enum Summary
IssueType The types of issues that can be used in a changes.xml file.

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