Interface | Description |
EarModule |
The ear module interface.
JbossEarModule |
Represents a JBoss specific ear module.
Class | Description |
AbstractEarModule |
A base implementation of an
EarModule . |
AbstractEarMojo |
A base class for EAR-processing related tasks.
AppClientModule |
EarModule implementation for an application client module. |
EarExecutionContext |
Contains various runtime parameters used to customize the generated EAR file.
EarModuleFactory |
Builds an
EarModule based on an Artifact. |
EarMojo |
Builds J2EE Enterprise Archive (EAR) files.
Ejb3Module | Deprecated
ejb v3 is now properly handled by the standard ejb packaging type.
EjbClientModule |
EarModule implementation for an ejb client module. |
EjbModule |
EarModule implementation for an EJB module. |
EjbRef |
Representation of
ejb-ref element in application.xml file. |
GenerateApplicationXmlMojo |
Generates the EAR deployment descriptor file(s).
HarModule |
EarModule implementation for a JBoss Hibernate archive. |
HelpMojo |
Display help information on maven-ear-plugin.
Call mvn ear:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details. |
JarModule |
EarModule implementation for a non J2EE module such as third party libraries. |
JavaModule | Deprecated
the name JavaModule is really confusing since it targets a third party library, use
instead |
ParModule |
EarModule implementation for a Par module. |
RarModule |
EarModule implementation for an J2EE connector module. |
SarModule | |
WebModule |
EarModule implementation for a Web application module. |
WsrModule |
EarModule implementation for a JBoss wsr module. |
Exception | Description |
EarPluginException |
The base exception of the EAR plugin.
UnknownArtifactTypeException |
Thrown if an unknown artifact type is encountered.
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