Invoker Report

The results of the Maven invocations.


Builds Success Failures Skipped Success Rate Total Time Avg Time
9 9 0 0 100.0% 47.8 s 5.3 s

Build Details

Name Result Time Message
archive-dir/pom.xml success 4.8 s
attachment-selection/pom.xml success 3.5 s
basic/pom.xml success 4.3 s
resign/pom.xml success 19.2 s
spacy path/pom.xml success 3.1 s
type-detection/pom.xml success 4.8 s
unsign/pom.xml success 3.4 s
verify-fail-if-not-signed/pom.xml success 2.1 s
verify-fail/pom.xml success 2.5 s