
Describe Goal

Assuming you have configured the Maven JMod Plugin accordingly to the usage page like the following:

  1. <project>
  2. [...]
  3. <build>
  4. [...]
  5. <plugins>
  6. [...]
  7. <plugin>
  8. <artifactId>maven-jmod-plugin</artifactId>
  9. <version>3.0.0-alpha-1</version>
  10. <extensions>true</extensions>
  11. <configuration>
  12. <!-- configuration elements goes here -->
  13. </configuration>
  14. <executions>
  15. <execution>
  16. <id>describe</id>
  17. <goals>
  18. <goal>describe</goal>
  19. </goals>
  20. <phase>verify</phase>
  21. </execution>
  22. </executions>
  23. </plugin>
  24. </plugin>
  25. [...]
  26. </project>

You can run via:

  1. mvn clean verify

During the above call of Maven the jmod files will be generated and by the describe goal you will get an output like the following (using toolchains):

  1. [INFO] --- maven-jmod-plugin:3.0.0-alpha-1:describe (describe) @ first-jmod ---
  2. [INFO] Toolchain in maven-jmod-plugin: jmod [ /../jdk1.9.0_ea+181.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/jmod ]
  3. [INFO] The following information is contained in the module file /.../maven-single-jmod-example/target/jmods/first-jmod.jmod
  4. [INFO] com.corporate.project@1.0-SNAPSHOT
  5. [INFO] exports com.corporate.project
  6. [INFO] requires java.base