Invoker Report

The results of the Maven invocations.


Builds Success Failures Skipped Success Rate Total Time Avg Time
19 18 0 1 100.0% 133.7 s 7.0 s

Build Details

Name Result Time Message
MPMD-172/pom.xml success 3.7 s
MPMD-206-sourceDirectories-js/pom.xml success 3.6 s
mpmd-168-empty-report/pom.xml success 8.1 s
MPMD-181-no-benchmark/pom.xml success 4.2 s
MPMD-205-pmd-js-check/pom.xml success 3.9 s
empty-rulesets/pom.xml success 3.3 s
MPMD-163/pom.xml success 4.9 s
MPMD-182/pom.xml skipped 0.0 s Skipped due to JRE version
MPMD-219-pmd-processing-error/pom.xml success 2.6 s
mpmd-168/pom.xml success 13.4 s
mpmd-138/pom.xml success 5.2 s
MPMD-181-benchmark/pom.xml success 3.8 s
mpmd-89/pom.xml success 6.0 s
MPMD-165/pom.xml success 3.4 s
mpmd-80-included/pom.xml success 5.4 s
MPMD-187/pom.xml success 3.6 s
mpmd-142/pom.xml success 46.1 s
mpmd-80-not-included/pom.xml success 5.4 s
multi-module/pom.xml success 7.0 s