The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.6.1.
File | Line |
org\apache\maven\report\projectinfo\ | 213 |
org\apache\maven\report\projectinfo\ | 220 | "Could not build project for: " + plugin.getArtifactId() + ":" + e.getMessage(), e ); tableRow( getPluginRow( plugin.getGroupId(), plugin.getArtifactId(), plugin.getVersion(), null ) ); } } endTable(); endSection(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private String[] getPluginTableHeader() { // reused key... String groupId = getI18nString( "dependency-management", "column.groupId" ); String artifactId = getI18nString( "dependency-management", "column.artifactId" ); String version = getI18nString( "dependency-management", "column.version" ); return new String[] { groupId, artifactId, version }; } private String[] getPluginRow( String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String link ) { artifactId = ProjectInfoReportUtils.getArtifactIdCell( artifactId, link ); return new String[] { groupId, artifactId, version }; } private Comparator<Plugin> getPluginComparator() |