Uses of Interface

Packages that use ResourceTransformer

Uses of ResourceTransformer in org.apache.maven.plugins.shade

Method parameters in org.apache.maven.plugins.shade with type arguments of type ResourceTransformer
 void Shader.shade(Set<File> jars, File uberJar, List<Filter> filters, List<Relocator> relocators, List<ResourceTransformer> resourceTransformers)
          Perform a shading operation.
 void DefaultShader.shade(Set<File> jars, File uberJar, List<Filter> filters, List<Relocator> relocators, List<ResourceTransformer> resourceTransformers)

Uses of ResourceTransformer in org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource

Classes in org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource that implement ResourceTransformer
 class ApacheLicenseResourceTransformer
          Prevents duplicate copies of the license
 class ApacheNoticeResourceTransformer
          Merges META-INF/NOTICE.TXT files.
 class AppendingTransformer
          A resource processor that appends content for a resource, separated by a newline.
 class ComponentsXmlResourceTransformer
          A resource processor that aggregates plexus components.xml files.
 class DontIncludeResourceTransformer
          A resource processor that prevents the inclusion of an arbitrary resource into the shaded JAR.
 class IncludeResourceTransformer
          A resource processor that allows the addition of an arbitrary file content into the shaded JAR.
 class ManifestResourceTransformer
          A resource processor that allows the arbitrary addition of attributes to the first MANIFEST.MF that is found in the set of JARs being processed, or to a newly created manifest for the shaded JAR.
 class ServicesResourceTransformer
          Resources transformer that appends entries in META-INF/services resources into a single resource.
 class XmlAppendingTransformer
          Appends multiple occurrences of some XML file.

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