Packages that use VersionRange | |
org.apache.maven.artifact | |
org.apache.maven.artifact.factory | |
org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver | |
org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning |
Uses of VersionRange in org.apache.maven.artifact |
Methods in org.apache.maven.artifact that return VersionRange | |
VersionRange |
VersionRange |
Methods in org.apache.maven.artifact with parameters of type VersionRange | |
void |
DefaultArtifact.setVersionRange(VersionRange versionRange)
void |
Artifact.setVersionRange(VersionRange newRange)
Constructors in org.apache.maven.artifact with parameters of type VersionRange | |
DefaultArtifact(String groupId,
String artifactId,
VersionRange versionRange,
String scope,
String type,
String classifier,
ArtifactHandler artifactHandler)
DefaultArtifact(String groupId,
String artifactId,
VersionRange versionRange,
String scope,
String type,
String classifier,
ArtifactHandler artifactHandler,
boolean optional)
Uses of VersionRange in org.apache.maven.artifact.factory |
Methods in org.apache.maven.artifact.factory with parameters of type VersionRange | |
Artifact |
ArtifactFactory.createDependencyArtifact(String groupId,
String artifactId,
VersionRange versionRange,
String type,
String classifier,
String scope)
Artifact |
DefaultArtifactFactory.createDependencyArtifact(String groupId,
String artifactId,
VersionRange versionRange,
String type,
String classifier,
String scope)
Artifact |
ArtifactFactory.createDependencyArtifact(String groupId,
String artifactId,
VersionRange versionRange,
String type,
String classifier,
String scope,
boolean optional)
Artifact |
DefaultArtifactFactory.createDependencyArtifact(String groupId,
String artifactId,
VersionRange versionRange,
String type,
String classifier,
String scope,
boolean optional)
Artifact |
ArtifactFactory.createDependencyArtifact(String groupId,
String artifactId,
VersionRange versionRange,
String type,
String classifier,
String scope,
String inheritedScope)
Artifact |
DefaultArtifactFactory.createDependencyArtifact(String groupId,
String artifactId,
VersionRange versionRange,
String type,
String classifier,
String scope,
String inheritedScope)
Artifact |
ArtifactFactory.createDependencyArtifact(String groupId,
String artifactId,
VersionRange versionRange,
String type,
String classifier,
String scope,
String inheritedScope,
boolean optional)
Artifact |
DefaultArtifactFactory.createDependencyArtifact(String groupId,
String artifactId,
VersionRange versionRange,
String type,
String classifier,
String scope,
String inheritedScope,
boolean optional)
Artifact |
ArtifactFactory.createExtensionArtifact(String groupId,
String artifactId,
VersionRange versionRange)
Artifact |
DefaultArtifactFactory.createExtensionArtifact(String groupId,
String artifactId,
VersionRange versionRange)
Artifact |
ArtifactFactory.createPluginArtifact(String groupId,
String artifactId,
VersionRange versionRange)
Artifact |
DefaultArtifactFactory.createPluginArtifact(String groupId,
String artifactId,
VersionRange versionRange)
Uses of VersionRange in org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver |
Methods in org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver with parameters of type VersionRange | |
void |
ResolutionListener.restrictRange(Artifact artifact,
Artifact replacement,
VersionRange newRange)
Uses of VersionRange in org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning |
Methods in org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning that return VersionRange | |
VersionRange |
static VersionRange |
VersionRange.createFromVersion(String version)
static VersionRange |
VersionRange.createFromVersionSpec(String spec)
Create a version range from a string representation Some spec examples are 1.0 Version 1.0
[1.0,2.0) Versions 1.0 (included) to 2.0 (not included)
[1.0,2.0] Versions 1.0 to 2.0 (both included)
[1.5,) Versions 1.5 and higher
(,1.0],[1.2,) Versions up to 1.0 (included) and 1.2 or higher
VersionRange |
VersionRange.restrict(VersionRange restriction)
Creates and returns a new VersionRange that is a restriction of this
version range and the specified version range. |
Methods in org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning with parameters of type VersionRange | |
VersionRange |
VersionRange.restrict(VersionRange restriction)
Creates and returns a new VersionRange that is a restriction of this
version range and the specified version range. |