Class Prerequisites

    • Constructor Detail

      • Prerequisites

        public Prerequisites()
    • Method Detail

      • getMaven

        public String getMaven()
        Get for a plugin project (packaging is maven-plugin), the minimum version of Maven required to use the resulting plugin.
        In Maven 2, this was also specifying the minimum version of Maven required to build a project, but this usage is deprecated in Maven 3 and not checked any more: use the Maven Enforcer Plugin's requireMavenVersion rule instead.
      • setOtherLocation

        public void setOtherLocation​(Object key,
                                     InputLocation location)
        key - a key object.
        location - a location object.
      • setMaven

        public void setMaven​(String maven)
        Set for a plugin project (packaging is maven-plugin), the minimum version of Maven required to use the resulting plugin.
        In Maven 2, this was also specifying the minimum version of Maven required to build a project, but this usage is deprecated in Maven 3 and not checked any more: use the Maven Enforcer Plugin's requireMavenVersion rule instead.
        maven - a maven object.