Class DefaultProfileActivationContext

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultProfileActivationContext

        public DefaultProfileActivationContext()
    • Method Detail

      • setActiveProfileIds

        public DefaultProfileActivationContext setActiveProfileIds​(List<String> activeProfileIds)
        Sets the identifiers of those profiles that should be activated by explicit demand.
        activeProfileIds - The identifiers of those profiles to activate, may be null.
        This context, never null.
      • setInactiveProfileIds

        public DefaultProfileActivationContext setInactiveProfileIds​(List<String> inactiveProfileIds)
        Sets the identifiers of those profiles that should be deactivated by explicit demand.
        inactiveProfileIds - The identifiers of those profiles to deactivate, may be null.
        This context, never null.
      • setSystemProperties

        public DefaultProfileActivationContext setSystemProperties​(Properties systemProperties)
        Sets the system properties to use for interpolation and profile activation. The system properties are collected from the runtime environment like System.getProperties() and environment variables.
        systemProperties - The system properties, may be null.
        This context, never null.
      • setSystemProperties

        public DefaultProfileActivationContext setSystemProperties​(Map<String,​String> systemProperties)
        Sets the system properties to use for interpolation and profile activation. The system properties are collected from the runtime environment like System.getProperties() and environment variables.
        systemProperties - The system properties, may be null.
        This context, never null.
      • getUserProperties

        public Map<String,​String> getUserProperties()
        Description copied from interface: ProfileActivationContext
        Gets the user properties to use for interpolation and profile activation. The user properties have been configured directly by the user on his discretion, e.g. via the -Dkey=value parameter on the command line.
        Specified by:
        getUserProperties in interface ProfileActivationContext
        The user properties, never null.
      • setUserProperties

        public DefaultProfileActivationContext setUserProperties​(Properties userProperties)
        Sets the user properties to use for interpolation and profile activation. The user properties have been configured directly by the user on his discretion, e.g. via the -Dkey=value parameter on the command line.
        userProperties - The user properties, may be null.
        This context, never null.
      • setUserProperties

        public DefaultProfileActivationContext setUserProperties​(Map<String,​String> userProperties)
        Sets the user properties to use for interpolation and profile activation. The user properties have been configured directly by the user on his discretion, e.g. via the -Dkey=value parameter on the command line.
        userProperties - The user properties, may be null.
        This context, never null.
      • setProjectDirectory

        public DefaultProfileActivationContext setProjectDirectory​(File projectDirectory)
        Sets the base directory of the current project.
        projectDirectory - The base directory of the current project, may be null if profile activation happens in the context of metadata retrieval rather than project building.
        This context, never null.