Class DefaultSettingsReader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultSettingsReader
    extends Object
    implements SettingsReader
    Handles deserialization of settings from the default textual format.
    Benjamin Bentmann
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultSettingsReader

        public DefaultSettingsReader()
    • Method Detail

      • read

        public Settings read​(File input,
                             Map<String,​?> options)
                      throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: SettingsReader
        Reads the settings from the specified file.
        Specified by:
        read in interface SettingsReader
        input - The file to deserialize the settings from, must not be null.
        options - The options to use for deserialization, may be null to use the default values.
        The deserialized settings, never null.
        IOException - If the settings could not be deserialized.
        SettingsParseException - If the input format could not be parsed.
      • read

        public Settings read​(Reader input,
                             Map<String,​?> options)
                      throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: SettingsReader
        Reads the settings from the specified character reader. The reader will be automatically closed before the method returns.
        Specified by:
        read in interface SettingsReader
        input - The reader to deserialize the settings from, must not be null.
        options - The options to use for deserialization, may be null to use the default values.
        The deserialized settings, never null.
        IOException - If the settings could not be deserialized.
        SettingsParseException - If the input format could not be parsed.
      • read

        public Settings read​(InputStream input,
                             Map<String,​?> options)
                      throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: SettingsReader
        Reads the settings from the specified byte stream. The stream will be automatically closed before the method returns.
        Specified by:
        read in interface SettingsReader
        input - The stream to deserialize the settings from, must not be null.
        options - The options to use for deserialization, may be null to use the default values.
        The deserialized settings, never null.
        IOException - If the settings could not be deserialized.
        SettingsParseException - If the input format could not be parsed.