Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Collects settings that control building of effective models.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ModelBuildingRequest |
Gets the model building request being processed.
ModelBuildingRequest |
ModelBuildingRequest.setActiveProfileIds(List<String> activeProfileIds)
Sets the identifiers of those profiles that should be activated by explicit demand.
ModelBuildingRequest |
ModelBuildingRequest.setBuildStartTime(Date buildStartTime)
Sets the start time of the build.
ModelBuildingRequest |
DefaultModelBuildingRequest.setBuildStartTime(Date buildStartTime) |
ModelBuildingRequest |
ModelBuildingRequest.setInactiveProfileIds(List<String> inactiveProfileIds)
Sets the identifiers of those profiles that should be deactivated by explicit demand.
ModelBuildingRequest |
ModelBuildingRequest.setLocationTracking(boolean locationTracking)
Enables/disables the tracking of line/column numbers for the model source being parsed.
ModelBuildingRequest |
ModelBuildingRequest.setModelBuildingListener(ModelBuildingListener modelBuildingListener)
Sets the model building listener to notify during the build process.
ModelBuildingRequest |
DefaultModelBuildingRequest.setModelBuildingListener(ModelBuildingListener modelBuildingListener) |
ModelBuildingRequest |
ModelBuildingRequest.setModelCache(ModelCache modelCache)
Sets the model cache to use for reuse of previously built models.
ModelBuildingRequest |
ModelBuildingRequest.setModelResolver(ModelResolver modelResolver)
Sets the model resolver to use for resolution of mixins or parents that are not locally reachable from the
project directory.
ModelBuildingRequest |
ModelBuildingRequest.setModelSource(ModelSource modelSource)
Sets the source of the POM to process.
ModelBuildingRequest |
ModelBuildingRequest.setPomFile(File pomFile)
Sets the POM file of the project to build.
ModelBuildingRequest |
ModelBuildingRequest.setProcessPlugins(boolean processPlugins)
Controls the processing of plugin executions and configurations.
ModelBuildingRequest |
ModelBuildingRequest.setProfiles(List<Profile> profiles)
Sets the external profiles that should be considered for model building.
ModelBuildingRequest |
ModelBuildingRequest.setSystemProperties(Properties systemProperties)
Sets the system properties to use for interpolation and profile activation.
ModelBuildingRequest |
ModelBuildingRequest.setTwoPhaseBuilding(boolean twoPhaseBuilding)
Enables/disables two-phase building.
ModelBuildingRequest |
ModelBuildingRequest.setUserProperties(Properties userProperties)
Sets the user properties to use for interpolation and profile activation.
ModelBuildingRequest |
ModelBuildingRequest.setValidationLevel(int validationLevel)
Sets the level of validation to perform on processed models.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ModelBuildingResult | request)
Builds the effective model of the specified POM.
ModelBuildingResult | request) |
ModelBuildingResult | request,
ModelBuildingResult result)
Builds the effective model by completing the specified interim result which was produced by a previous call to with isTwoPhaseBuilding() being true . |
ModelBuildingResult | request,
ModelBuildingResult result) |
Constructor and Description |
DefaultModelBuildingRequest(ModelBuildingRequest request)
Creates a shallow copy of the specified request.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DependencyManagementImporter.importManagement(Model target,
List<? extends DependencyManagement> sources,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems)
Imports the specified dependency management sections into the given target model.
void |
DefaultDependencyManagementImporter.importManagement(Model target,
List<? extends DependencyManagement> sources,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
InheritanceAssembler.assembleModelInheritance(Model child,
Model parent,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems)
Merges values from the specified parent model into the given child model.
void |
DefaultInheritanceAssembler.assembleModelInheritance(Model child,
Model parent,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected List<? extends InterpolationPostProcessor> |
AbstractStringBasedModelInterpolator.createPostProcessors(Model model,
File projectDir,
ModelBuildingRequest config) |
protected List<ValueSource> |
AbstractStringBasedModelInterpolator.createValueSources(Model model,
File projectDir,
ModelBuildingRequest config,
ModelProblemCollector problems) |
Model |
StringSearchModelInterpolator.interpolateModel(Model model,
File projectDir,
ModelBuildingRequest config,
ModelProblemCollector problems) |
Model |
ModelInterpolator.interpolateModel(Model model,
File projectDir,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems)
Interpolates expressions in the specified model.
protected void |
StringSearchModelInterpolator.interpolateObject(Object obj,
Model model,
File projectDir,
ModelBuildingRequest config,
ModelProblemCollector problems) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PluginManagementInjector.injectManagement(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems)
Merges default values from the plugin management section of the given model into itself.
void |
DependencyManagementInjector.injectManagement(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems)
Merges default values from the dependency management section of the given model into itself.
void |
DefaultPluginManagementInjector.injectManagement(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems) |
void |
DefaultDependencyManagementInjector.injectManagement(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ModelNormalizer.injectDefaultValues(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems)
Sets default values in the specified model that for technical reasons cannot be set directly in the Modello
void |
DefaultModelNormalizer.injectDefaultValues(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems) |
void |
ModelNormalizer.mergeDuplicates(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems)
Merges duplicate elements like multiple declarations of the same build plugin in the specified model.
void |
DefaultModelNormalizer.mergeDuplicates(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ModelPathTranslator.alignToBaseDirectory(Model model,
File basedir,
ModelBuildingRequest request)
Resolves the well-known paths of the specified model against the given base directory.
void |
DefaultModelPathTranslator.alignToBaseDirectory(Model model,
File basedir,
ModelBuildingRequest request) |
void |
ModelUrlNormalizer.normalize(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request)
Normalizes the well-known URLs of the specified model.
void |
DefaultModelUrlNormalizer.normalize(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ReportingConverter.convertReporting(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems)
Converts values from model's reporting section into the configuration for the new Maven Site Plugin.
void |
DefaultReportingConverter.convertReporting(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems) |
void |
ReportConfigurationExpander.expandPluginConfiguration(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems)
Merges values from general report plugin configuration into the individual reports sets of the given model.
void |
PluginConfigurationExpander.expandPluginConfiguration(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems)
Merges values from general build plugin configuration into the individual plugin executions of the given model.
void |
DefaultReportConfigurationExpander.expandPluginConfiguration(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems) |
void |
DefaultPluginConfigurationExpander.expandPluginConfiguration(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems) |
void |
LifecycleBindingsInjector.injectLifecycleBindings(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems)
Injects plugin executions induced by lifecycle bindings into the specified model.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ProfileInjector.injectProfile(Model model,
Profile profile,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems)
Merges values from the specified profile into the given model.
void |
DefaultProfileInjector.injectProfile(Model model,
Profile profile,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ModelValidator.validateEffectiveModel(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems)
Checks the specified (effective) model for missing or invalid values.
void |
DefaultModelValidator.validateEffectiveModel(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems) |
void |
ModelValidator.validateRawModel(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems)
Checks the specified (raw) model for missing or invalid values.
void |
DefaultModelValidator.validateRawModel(Model model,
ModelBuildingRequest request,
ModelProblemCollector problems) |
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