CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.6.1.


File Line
org/apache/maven/execution/scope/internal/MojoExecutionScope.java 100
org/apache/maven/session/scope/internal/SessionScope.java 123

    public <T> void seed( Class<T> clazz, Provider<T> value )
        getScopeState().seeded.put( Key.get( clazz ), value );

    public <T> void seed( Class<T> clazz, final T value )
        getScopeState().seeded.put( Key.get( clazz ), Providers.of( value ) );

    public <T> Provider<T> scope( final Key<T> key, final Provider<T> unscoped )
        return new Provider<T>()
            @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
            public T get()
                LinkedList<ScopeState> stack = values.get();
                if ( stack == null || stack.isEmpty() )
                    throw new OutOfScopeException( "Cannot access " + key + " outside of a scoping block" );

                ScopeState state = stack.getFirst();

                Provider<?> seeded = state.seeded.get( key );

                if ( seeded != null )
                    return (T) seeded.get();

                T provided = (T) state.provided.get( key );
                if ( provided == null && unscoped != null )
                    provided = unscoped.get();
                    state.provided.put( key, provided );

                return provided;

    @SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked" } )
    public static <T> Provider<T> seededKeyProvider()
        return (Provider<T>) SEEDED_KEY_PROVIDER;
File Line
org/apache/maven/artifact/factory/DefaultArtifactFactory.java 125
org/apache/maven/bridge/MavenRepositorySystem.java 528
    private Artifact createArtifact( String groupId, String artifactId, VersionRange versionRange, String type,
                                     String classifier, String scope, String inheritedScope, boolean optional )
        String desiredScope = Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME;

        if ( inheritedScope == null )
            desiredScope = scope;
        else if ( Artifact.SCOPE_TEST.equals( scope ) || Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED.equals( scope ) )
            return null;
        else if ( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE.equals( scope ) && Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE.equals( inheritedScope ) )
            // added to retain compile artifactScope. Remove if you want compile inherited as runtime
            desiredScope = Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE;

        if ( Artifact.SCOPE_TEST.equals( inheritedScope ) )
            desiredScope = Artifact.SCOPE_TEST;

        if ( Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED.equals( inheritedScope ) )
            desiredScope = Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED;

        if ( Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM.equals( scope ) )
            // system scopes come through unchanged...
            desiredScope = Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM;

        ArtifactHandler handler = artifactHandlerManager.getArtifactHandler( type );

        return new DefaultArtifact( groupId, artifactId, versionRange, desiredScope, type, classifier, handler,
                                    optional );
File Line
org/apache/maven/plugin/internal/DefaultPluginManager.java 94
org/apache/maven/plugin/internal/DefaultPluginManager.java 126
        MavenSession session = legacySupport.getSession();

        PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor;
            pluginDescriptor =
                pluginManager.getPluginDescriptor( plugin, session.getCurrentProject().getRemotePluginRepositories(),
                                                   session.getRepositorySession() );

            pluginManager.setupPluginRealm( pluginDescriptor, session, null, null, null );
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new PluginManagerException( plugin, e.getMessage(), e );

        ClassLoader oldClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
            Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( pluginDescriptor.getClassRealm() );

            return container.lookup( role, roleHint );
File Line
org/apache/maven/plugin/prefix/NoPluginFoundForPrefixException.java 39
org/apache/maven/plugin/version/PluginVersionResolutionException.java 81

    private static String format( LocalRepository localRepository, List<RemoteRepository> remoteRepositories )
        String repos = "[";

        if ( localRepository != null )
            repos += localRepository.getId() + " (" + localRepository.getBasedir() + ")";

        if ( remoteRepositories != null && !remoteRepositories.isEmpty() )
            for ( RemoteRepository repository : remoteRepositories )
                repos += ", ";

                if ( repository != null )
                    repos += repository.getId() + " (" + repository.getUrl() + ")";

        repos += "]";

        return repos;
