File pomFile
String projectId
String repositoryId
String timestamp
int buildNumber
boolean localCopy
String downloadUrl
Artifact artifact
MavenProject project
String lifecycleId
String lifecyclePhase
Plugin plugin
String goal
PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor
PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor
String originalMessage
MojoExecution mojoExecution
String pluginKey
String pluginGroupId
String pluginArtifactId
String pluginVersion
String goal
MavenProject project
Plugin plugin
List<E> parameters
MojoDescriptor mojo
Plugin plugin
DependencyResolutionResult result
Artifact artifact
MavenProject project
Dependency dependency
int eventType
int requestType
Exception exception
File localFile
ArtifactTransferResource artifact
long transferredBytes
byte[] dataBuffer
int dataOffset
int dataLength
Artifact artifact
boolean activeByDefault
String jdk
ActivationOS os
ActivationProperty property
ActivationFile file
String id
Activation activation
Properties properties
List<E> repositories
List<E> pluginRepositories
RepositoryPolicy releases
RepositoryPolicy snapshots
String localRepository
boolean interactiveMode
boolean usePluginRegistry
boolean offline
List<E> proxies
List<E> servers
List<E> mirrors
List<E> profiles
List<E> activeProfiles
List<E> pluginGroups
String modelEncoding
Proxy activeProxy
Map<K,V> profileMap
String sourceLevel
boolean sourceLevelSet
String type
Standard Toolchain,Properties provides
Object configuration
Toolchain configuration information, like location or any information that is to be retrieved.
Actual content structure is completely open: each toolchain type will define its own format and semantics.
In general, this is a properties
format: <name>value</name>
per-toolchain defined properties
String sourceLevel
boolean sourceLevelSet
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