Interface ArtifactCoordinates

All Known Subinterfaces:

@Experimental @Immutable public interface ArtifactCoordinates
Partial identification of an Artifact in a Maven repository. Each ArtifactCoordinates instance is basically a pointer to a file in the Maven repository, except that the exact version may not be known yet.
  • Method Details

    • getGroupId

      @Nonnull String getGroupId()
      Returns the group identifier of the artifact.
      the group identifier of the artifact
    • getArtifactId

      @Nonnull String getArtifactId()
      Returns the identifier of the artifact.
      the identifier of the artifact
    • getClassifier

      @Nonnull String getClassifier()
      Returns the classifier of the artifact.
      the classifier or an empty string if none, never null
    • getVersionConstraint

      @Nonnull VersionConstraint getVersionConstraint()
      Returns the specific version, range of versions or meta-version of the artifact. A meta-version is a version suffixed with the SNAPSHOT keyword.
      the specific version, range of versions or meta-version of the artifact
    • getExtension

      @Nonnull String getExtension()
      Returns the file extension of the artifact. The dot separator is not included in the returned string.
      the file extension or an empty string if none, never null
    • getId

      @Nonnull default String getId()
      Returns a unique string representation identifying this artifact. The default implementation returns a colon-separated list of group identifier, artifact identifier, extension, classifier and version.
      a unique string representation identifying this artifact
      See Also: