Package org.apache.maven.api
Interface DependencyCoordinates
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
completed with information about how the artifact will be used.
This information includes the dependency type (main classes, test classes, etc.),
a scope (compile, runtime etc.), an obligation (whether the dependency
is optional or mandatory), and possible exclusions for transitive dependencies.
The version and the obligation
may not be defined precisely.- Since:
- 4.0.0
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.maven.api.ArtifactCoordinates
getArtifactId, getClassifier, getExtension, getGroupId, getId, getVersionConstraint
Method Details
Returns the type of the dependency. A dependency can be a JAR file, a modular-JAR if it is intended to be placed on the module path, a JAR containing test classes, etc.- Returns:
- the type of the dependency
Returns the time at which the dependency will be used. It may be, for example, at compile time only, at run time or at test time.- Returns:
- the time at which the dependency will be used
Returns whether the dependency is optional, mandatory, or of unspecified obligation.- Returns:
- the obligation, or
if unspecified
Returns transitive dependencies to exclude.- Returns:
- transitive dependencies to exclude