Interface ArtifactResolverResult.ResultItem

Enclosing interface:

public static interface ArtifactResolverResult.ResultItem
Represents an individual resolution result for an artifact.
  • Method Details

    • getCoordinates

      ArtifactCoordinates getCoordinates()
      Returns the coordinates of the resolved artifact.
      The ArtifactCoordinates of the artifact.
    • getArtifact

      DownloadedArtifact getArtifact()
      Returns the resolved artifact.
      The DownloadedArtifact instance.
    • getExceptions

      Map<Repository,List<Exception>> getExceptions()
      Returns a mapping of repositories to the exceptions encountered while resolving the artifact.
      A Map where keys are Repository instances and values are Exception instances.
    • getRepository

      Repository getRepository()
      Returns the repository from which the artifact was resolved.
      The Repository instance.
    • getPath

      Path getPath()
      Returns the file system path to the resolved artifact.
      The Path to the artifact.
    • isResolved

      boolean isResolved()
      Indicates whether the requested artifact was resolved. Note that the artifact might have been successfully resolved despite getExceptions() indicating transfer errors while trying to fetch the artifact from some of the specified remote repositories.
      true if the artifact was resolved, false otherwise.
    • isMissing

      boolean isMissing()
      Indicates whether the requested artifact is not present in any of the specified repositories.
      true if the artifact is not present in any repository, false otherwise.