Interface Interpolator

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@Experimental public interface Interpolator extends Service
The Interpolator service provides methods for variable substitution in strings and maps. It allows for the replacement of placeholders (e.g., ${variable}) with their corresponding values.
  • Method Details

    • interpolate

      default void interpolate(@Nonnull Map<String,String> properties, @Nullable UnaryOperator<String> callback)
      Interpolates the values in the given map using the provided callback function. This method defaults to setting empty strings for unresolved placeholders.
      properties - The map containing key-value pairs to be interpolated.
      callback - The function to resolve variable values not found in the map.
    • interpolate

      default void interpolate(@Nonnull Map<String,String> map, @Nullable UnaryOperator<String> callback, boolean defaultsToEmpty)
      Interpolates the values in the given map using the provided callback function.
      map - The map containing key-value pairs to be interpolated.
      callback - The function to resolve variable values not found in the map.
      defaultsToEmpty - If true, unresolved placeholders are replaced with empty strings. If false, they are left unchanged.
    • interpolate

      void interpolate(@Nonnull Map<String,String> map, @Nullable UnaryOperator<String> callback, @Nullable BinaryOperator<String> postprocessor, boolean defaultsToEmpty)
      Interpolates the values in the given map using the provided callback function.
      map - The map containing key-value pairs to be interpolated.
      callback - The function to resolve variable values not found in the map.
      defaultsToEmpty - If true, unresolved placeholders are replaced with empty strings. If false, they are left unchanged.
    • interpolate

      @Nullable default String interpolate(@Nullable String val, @Nullable UnaryOperator<String> callback)
      Interpolates a single string value using the provided callback function. This method defaults to not replacing unresolved placeholders.
      val - The string to be interpolated.
      callback - The function to resolve variable values.
      The interpolated string, or null if the input was null.
    • interpolate

      @Nullable default String interpolate(@Nullable String val, @Nullable UnaryOperator<String> callback, boolean defaultsToEmpty)
      Interpolates a single string value using the provided callback function.
      val - The string to be interpolated.
      callback - The function to resolve variable values.
      defaultsToEmpty - If true, unresolved placeholders are replaced with empty strings.
      The interpolated string, or null if the input was null.
    • interpolate

      @Nullable String interpolate(@Nullable String val, @Nullable UnaryOperator<String> callback, @Nullable BinaryOperator<String> postprocessor, boolean defaultsToEmpty)
      Interpolates a single string value using the provided callback function.
      val - The string to be interpolated.
      callback - The function to resolve variable values.
      defaultsToEmpty - If true, unresolved placeholders are replaced with empty strings.
      The interpolated string, or null if the input was null.
    • chain

      static UnaryOperator<String> chain(Collection<? extends UnaryOperator<String>> functions)
      Creates a composite function from a collection of functions.
      functions - A collection of functions, each taking a String as input and returning a String.
      A function that applies each function in the collection in order until a non-null result is found. If all functions return null, the composite function returns null.
      NullPointerException - if the input collection is null or contains null elements.
    • chain

      @SafeVarargs static UnaryOperator<String> chain(UnaryOperator<String>... functions)
    • memoize

      static UnaryOperator<String> memoize(UnaryOperator<String> callback)
      Memoizes a given function that takes a String input and produces a String output. This method creates a new function that caches the results of the original function, improving performance for repeated calls with the same input.
      callback - The original function to be memoized. It takes a String as input and returns a String.
      A new UnaryOperator<String> that caches the results of the original function. If the original function returns null for a given input, null will be cached and returned for subsequent calls with the same input.
      See Also: