Class DefaultLocalRepositoryManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
Service, LocalRepositoryManager

@Named @Singleton public class DefaultLocalRepositoryManager extends Object implements LocalRepositoryManager
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultLocalRepositoryManager

      public DefaultLocalRepositoryManager()
  • Method Details

    • getPathForLocalArtifact

      @Nonnull public Path getPathForLocalArtifact(@Nonnull Session session, @Nonnull LocalRepository local, @Nonnull Artifact artifact)
      Description copied from interface: LocalRepositoryManager
      Gets the relative path for a locally installed artifact. Note that the artifact need not actually exist yet at the returned location, the path merely indicates where the artifact would eventually be stored.
      Specified by:
      getPathForLocalArtifact in interface LocalRepositoryManager
      session - The session to use, must not be null.
      artifact - The artifact for which to determine the path, must not be null.
      The path, resolved against the local repository's base directory.
    • getPathForRemoteArtifact

      @Nonnull public Path getPathForRemoteArtifact(@Nonnull Session session, @Nonnull LocalRepository local, @Nonnull RemoteRepository remote, @Nonnull Artifact artifact)
      Description copied from interface: LocalRepositoryManager
      Gets the relative path for an artifact cached from a remote repository. Note that the artifact need not actually exist yet at the returned location, the path merely indicates where the artifact would eventually be stored.
      Specified by:
      getPathForRemoteArtifact in interface LocalRepositoryManager
      session - The session to use, must not be null.
      local - The local repository, must not be null.
      remote - – The source repository of the artifact, must not be null.
      artifact - The artifact for which to determine the path, must not be null.
      The path, relative to the local repository's base directory.