Class DefaultModelInterpolator

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Named @Singleton public class DefaultModelInterpolator extends Object implements ModelInterpolator
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • interpolateModel

      public Model interpolateModel(Model model, Path projectDir, ModelBuilderRequest request, ModelProblemCollector problems)
      Description copied from interface: ModelInterpolator
      Interpolates expressions in the specified model.
      Specified by:
      interpolateModel in interface ModelInterpolator
      model - The model to interpolate, must not be null.
      projectDir - The project directory, may be null if the model does not belong to a local project but to some artifact's metadata.
      request - The model building request that holds further settings, must not be null.
      problems - The container used to collect problems that were encountered, must not be null.
      The interpolated model, never null.
    • getProjectPrefixes

      protected List<String> getProjectPrefixes(ModelBuilderRequest request)