Package org.apache.maven.impl.model
Class DefaultModelProcessor
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Note: uses @Typed to limit the types it is available for injection to just ModelProcessor.
This is because the ModelProcessor interface extends ModelLocator and ModelReader. If we
made this component available under all its interfaces then it could end up being injected
into itself leading to a stack overflow.
A side effect of using @Typed is that it translates to explicit bindings in the container.
So instead of binding the component under a 'wildcard' key it is now bound with an explicit
key. Since this is a default component this will be a plain binding of ModelProcessor to
this implementation type, ie. no hint/name.
This leads to a second side effect in that any @Inject request for just ModelProcessor in
the same injector is immediately matched to this explicit binding, which means extensions
cannot override this binding. This is because the lookup is always short-circuited in this
specific situation (plain @Inject request, and plain explicit binding for the same type.)
The simplest solution is to use a custom @Named here so it isn't bound under the plain key.
This is only necessary for default components using @Typed that want to support overriding.
As a non-default component this now gets a negative priority relative to other implementations
of the same interface. Since we want to allow overriding this doesn't matter in this case.
(if it did we could add @Priority of 0 to match the priority given to default components.)
Constructor Summary
(ModelXmlFactory modelXmlFactory, List<ModelParser> modelParsers) -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionlocateExistingPom
(Path projectDirectory) Returns the file containing the pom to be parsed or null if a pom can not be found at the given file or in the given
(XmlReaderRequest request) Reads the model from the specified byte stream.
Constructor Details
@Inject public DefaultModelProcessor(ModelXmlFactory modelXmlFactory, @Nullable List<ModelParser> modelParsers)
Method Details
Description copied from interface:ModelProcessor
Returns the file containing the pom to be parsed or null if a pom can not be found at the given file or in the given directory.- Specified by:
in interfaceModelProcessor
Description copied from interface:ModelProcessor
Reads the model from the specified byte stream. The stream will be automatically closed before the method returns.- Specified by:
in interfaceModelProcessor
- Parameters:
- The reader request to deserialize the model, must not benull
.- Returns:
- The deserialized model, never
. - Throws:
- If the model could not be deserialized.