Class DefaultPluginVersionRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultPluginVersionRequest extends Object implements PluginVersionRequest
Collects settings required to resolve the version for a plugin.
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultPluginVersionRequest

      public DefaultPluginVersionRequest()
      Creates an empty request.
    • DefaultPluginVersionRequest

      public DefaultPluginVersionRequest(Plugin plugin, MavenSession session)
      Creates a request for the specified plugin by copying settings from the specified build session. If the session has a current project, its plugin repositories will be used as well.
      plugin - The plugin for which to resolve a version, must not be null.
      session - The Maven session to use, must not be null.
    • DefaultPluginVersionRequest

      public DefaultPluginVersionRequest(Plugin plugin, org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystemSession session, List<org.eclipse.aether.repository.RemoteRepository> repositories)
      Creates a request for the specified plugin using the given repository session and plugin repositories.
      plugin - The plugin for which to resolve a version, must not be null.
      session - The repository session to use, must not be null.
      repositories - The plugin repositories to query, may be null.
  • Method Details