Class DefaultProfileActivationContext

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultProfileActivationContext extends Object implements ProfileActivationContext
Describes the environmental context used to determine the activation status of profiles.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isProfileActive

      public boolean isProfileActive(String profileId)
      Description copied from interface: ProfileActivationContext
      Checks if the specified profile has been explicitly activated.
      Specified by:
      isProfileActive in interface ProfileActivationContext
      profileId - the profile id
      whether the profile has been activated
    • setActiveProfileIds

      public DefaultProfileActivationContext setActiveProfileIds(List<String> activeProfileIds)
      Sets the identifiers of those profiles that should be activated by explicit demand.
      activeProfileIds - The identifiers of those profiles to activate, may be null.
      This context, never null.
    • isProfileInactive

      public boolean isProfileInactive(String profileId)
      Description copied from interface: ProfileActivationContext
      Checks if the specified profile has been explicitly deactivated.
      Specified by:
      isProfileInactive in interface ProfileActivationContext
      profileId - the profile id
      whether the profile has been deactivated
    • setInactiveProfileIds

      public DefaultProfileActivationContext setInactiveProfileIds(List<String> inactiveProfileIds)
      Sets the identifiers of those profiles that should be deactivated by explicit demand.
      inactiveProfileIds - The identifiers of those profiles to deactivate, may be null.
      This context, never null.
    • getSystemProperty

      public String getSystemProperty(String key)
      Description copied from interface: ProfileActivationContext
      Gets the system property to use for interpolation and profile activation. The system properties are collected from the runtime environment like System.getProperties() and environment variables.
      Specified by:
      getSystemProperty in interface ProfileActivationContext
      key - the name of the system property
      the system property for the specified key, or null
    • setSystemProperties

      public DefaultProfileActivationContext setSystemProperties(Map<String,String> systemProperties)
      Sets the system properties to use for interpolation and profile activation. The system properties are collected from the runtime environment like System.getProperties() and environment variables.
      systemProperties - The system properties, may be null.
      This context, never null.
    • getUserProperty

      public String getUserProperty(String key)
      Description copied from interface: ProfileActivationContext
      Gets the user property to use for interpolation and profile activation. The user properties have been configured directly by the user on his discretion, e.g. via the -Dkey=value parameter on the command line.
      Specified by:
      getUserProperty in interface ProfileActivationContext
      key - the name of the user property
      The user property for the specified key, or null.
    • setUserProperties

      public DefaultProfileActivationContext setUserProperties(Map<String,String> userProperties)
      Sets the user properties to use for interpolation and profile activation. The user properties have been configured directly by the user on his discretion, e.g. via the -Dkey=value parameter on the command line.
      userProperties - The user properties, may be null.
      This context, never null.
    • getModelArtifactId

      public String getModelArtifactId()
      Description copied from interface: ProfileActivationContext
      Gets the artifactId from the current model.
      Specified by:
      getModelArtifactId in interface ProfileActivationContext
      The artifactId of the current model, or null if not set.
    • getModelPackaging

      public String getModelPackaging()
      Description copied from interface: ProfileActivationContext
      Gets the packaging type from the current model.
      Specified by:
      getModelPackaging in interface ProfileActivationContext
      The packaging type of the current model, or null if not set.
    • getModelProperty

      public String getModelProperty(String key)
      Description copied from interface: ProfileActivationContext
      Gets the model property to use for interpolation and profile activation.
      Specified by:
      getModelProperty in interface ProfileActivationContext
      key - the name of the model property
      The model property for the specified key, or null;
    • getModelBaseDirectory

      public String getModelBaseDirectory()
      Description copied from interface: ProfileActivationContext
      Gets the base directory of the current model.
      Specified by:
      getModelBaseDirectory in interface ProfileActivationContext
      The base directory path of the current model, or null if not set.
    • getModelRootDirectory

      public String getModelRootDirectory()
      Description copied from interface: ProfileActivationContext
      Gets the root directory of the current model.
      Specified by:
      getModelRootDirectory in interface ProfileActivationContext
      The root directory path of the current model, or null if not set.
    • setModel

      public DefaultProfileActivationContext setModel(Model model)
    • interpolatePath

      public String interpolatePath(String path) throws InterpolatorException
      Description copied from interface: ProfileActivationContext
      Interpolates the given path string using the current context's properties.
      Specified by:
      interpolatePath in interface ProfileActivationContext
      path - The path string to interpolate
      The interpolated path string
      InterpolatorException - if an error occurs during interpolation
    • exists

      public boolean exists(String path, boolean enableGlob) throws ModelBuilderException
      Description copied from interface: ProfileActivationContext
      Checks if a file or directory matching the given glob pattern exists at the specified path.
      Specified by:
      exists in interface ProfileActivationContext
      path - the base path to check
      enableGlob - whether the path can be a glob expression
      true if a matching file exists, false otherwise
      ModelBuilderException - if an error occurs while checking the path