Class MetadataResult

    • Constructor Detail

      • MetadataResult

        public MetadataResult​(MetadataRequest request)
        Creates a new result for the specified request.
        request - The resolution request, must not be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getRequest

        public MetadataRequest getRequest()
        Gets the resolution request that was made.
        The resolution request, never null.
      • getMetadata

        public Metadata getMetadata()
        Gets the resolved metadata (if any).
        The resolved metadata or null if the resolution failed.
      • setMetadata

        public MetadataResult setMetadata​(Metadata metadata)
        Sets the resolved metadata.
        metadata - The resolved metadata, may be null if the resolution failed.
        This result for chaining, never null.
      • setException

        public MetadataResult setException​(Exception exception)
        Records the specified exception while resolving the metadata.
        exception - The exception to record, may be null.
        This result for chaining, never null.
      • getException

        public Exception getException()
        Gets the exception that occurred while resolving the metadata.
        The exception that occurred or null if none.
      • setUpdated

        public MetadataResult setUpdated​(boolean updated)
        Sets the updated flag for the metadata.
        updated - true if the metadata was actually fetched from the remote repository during the resolution, false if the metadata was resolved from a locally cached copy.
        This result for chaining, never null.
      • isUpdated

        public boolean isUpdated()
        Indicates whether the metadata was actually fetched from the remote repository or resolved from the local cache. If metadata has been locally cached during a previous resolution request and this local copy is still up-to-date according to the remote repository's update policy, no remote access is made.
        true if the metadata was actually fetched from the remote repository during the resolution, false if the metadata was resolved from a locally cached copy.
      • isResolved

        public boolean isResolved()
        Indicates whether the requested metadata was resolved. Note that the metadata might have been successfully resolved (from the local cache) despite getException() indicating a transfer error while trying to refetch the metadata from the remote repository.
        true if the metadata was resolved, false otherwise.
        See Also:
      • isMissing

        public boolean isMissing()
        Indicates whether the requested metadata is not present in the remote repository.
        true if the metadata is not present in the remote repository, false otherwise.