Class OverlayArtifactTypeRegistry

    • Constructor Detail

      • OverlayArtifactTypeRegistry

        public OverlayArtifactTypeRegistry​(ArtifactTypeRegistry delegate)
        Creates a new artifact type registry with initially no registered artifact types and the specified fallback registry. Use add(ArtifactType) to populate the registry.
        delegate - The artifact type registry to fall back to, may be null.
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public OverlayArtifactTypeRegistry add​(ArtifactType type)
        Adds the specified artifact type to the registry.
        type - The artifact type to add, must not be null.
        This registry for chaining, never null.
      • get

        public ArtifactType get​(String typeId)
        Description copied from interface: ArtifactTypeRegistry
        Gets the artifact type with the specified identifier.
        Specified by:
        get in interface ArtifactTypeRegistry
        typeId - The identifier of the type, must not be null.
        The artifact type or null if no type with the requested identifier exists.