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1   // =================== DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ====================
2   // Generated by Modello 1.8.2,
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4   // ==============================================================
6   package org.apache.maven.scm.providers.svn.settings;
8   /**
9    * Class Settings.
10   * 
11   * @version $Revision$ $Date$
12   */
13  @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
14  public class Settings
15      implements
16  {
18        //--------------------------/
19       //- Class/Member Variables -/
20      //--------------------------/
22      /**
23       * 
24       *              Instructs Subversion to read configuration
25       * information from the specified directory instead of the
26       * default location.
27       *           
28       */
29      private String configDirectory;
31      /**
32       * 
33       *              Must be <code>true</code> if svn is a cygwin
34       * svn command.
35       *           
36       */
37      private boolean useCygwinPath = false;
39      /**
40       * 
41       *              The cygwin mount path.
42       *           
43       */
44      private String cygwinMountPath = "/cygwin";
46      /**
47       * 
48       *              Switch off if you do not like to use
49       * <code>--non-interactive</code> e.g. on Leopard (see
50       * SCM-402).
51       *           
52       */
53      private boolean useNonInteractive = true;
55      /**
56       * 
57       *              Switch on if you want to cache authentication
58       * credentials (Warning: this will overwrite existing
59       * authentication credentials on your working copy).
60       *              If you don't change this, the command line
61       * option <code>--no-auth-cache</code> is used.
62       *           
63       */
64      private boolean useAuthCache = false;
66      /**
67       * 
68       *              Switch on to use svn command line option:
69       * <code>--trust-server-cert</code>.
70       *           
71       */
72      private boolean trustServerCert = false;
74      /**
75       * Field modelEncoding.
76       */
77      private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8";
80        //-----------/
81       //- Methods -/
82      //-----------/
84      /**
85       * Get instructs Subversion to read configuration information
86       * from the specified directory instead of the default
87       * location.
88       * 
89       * @return String
90       */
91      public String getConfigDirectory()
92      {
93          return this.configDirectory;
94      } //-- String getConfigDirectory()
96      /**
97       * Get the cygwin mount path.
98       * 
99       * @return String
100      */
101     public String getCygwinMountPath()
102     {
103         return this.cygwinMountPath;
104     } //-- String getCygwinMountPath()
106     /**
107      * Get the modelEncoding field.
108      * 
109      * @return String
110      */
111     public String getModelEncoding()
112     {
113         return this.modelEncoding;
114     } //-- String getModelEncoding()
116     /**
117      * Get switch on to use svn command line option:
118      * <code>--trust-server-cert</code>.
119      * 
120      * @return boolean
121      */
122     public boolean isTrustServerCert()
123     {
124         return this.trustServerCert;
125     } //-- boolean isTrustServerCert()
127     /**
128      * Get switch on if you want to cache authentication
129      * credentials (Warning: this will overwrite existing
130      * authentication credentials on your working copy).
131      *              If you don't change this, the command line
132      * option <code>--no-auth-cache</code> is used.
133      * 
134      * @return boolean
135      */
136     public boolean isUseAuthCache()
137     {
138         return this.useAuthCache;
139     } //-- boolean isUseAuthCache()
141     /**
142      * Get must be <code>true</code> if svn is a cygwin svn
143      * command.
144      * 
145      * @return boolean
146      */
147     public boolean isUseCygwinPath()
148     {
149         return this.useCygwinPath;
150     } //-- boolean isUseCygwinPath()
152     /**
153      * Get switch off if you do not like to use
154      * <code>--non-interactive</code> e.g. on Leopard (see
155      * SCM-402).
156      * 
157      * @return boolean
158      */
159     public boolean isUseNonInteractive()
160     {
161         return this.useNonInteractive;
162     } //-- boolean isUseNonInteractive()
164     /**
165      * Set instructs Subversion to read configuration information
166      * from the specified directory instead of the default
167      * location.
168      * 
169      * @param configDirectory
170      */
171     public void setConfigDirectory( String configDirectory )
172     {
173         this.configDirectory = configDirectory;
174     } //-- void setConfigDirectory( String )
176     /**
177      * Set the cygwin mount path.
178      * 
179      * @param cygwinMountPath
180      */
181     public void setCygwinMountPath( String cygwinMountPath )
182     {
183         this.cygwinMountPath = cygwinMountPath;
184     } //-- void setCygwinMountPath( String )
186     /**
187      * Set the modelEncoding field.
188      * 
189      * @param modelEncoding
190      */
191     public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding )
192     {
193         this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding;
194     } //-- void setModelEncoding( String )
196     /**
197      * Set switch on to use svn command line option:
198      * <code>--trust-server-cert</code>.
199      * 
200      * @param trustServerCert
201      */
202     public void setTrustServerCert( boolean trustServerCert )
203     {
204         this.trustServerCert = trustServerCert;
205     } //-- void setTrustServerCert( boolean )
207     /**
208      * Set switch on if you want to cache authentication
209      * credentials (Warning: this will overwrite existing
210      * authentication credentials on your working copy).
211      *              If you don't change this, the command line
212      * option <code>--no-auth-cache</code> is used.
213      * 
214      * @param useAuthCache
215      */
216     public void setUseAuthCache( boolean useAuthCache )
217     {
218         this.useAuthCache = useAuthCache;
219     } //-- void setUseAuthCache( boolean )
221     /**
222      * Set must be <code>true</code> if svn is a cygwin svn
223      * command.
224      * 
225      * @param useCygwinPath
226      */
227     public void setUseCygwinPath( boolean useCygwinPath )
228     {
229         this.useCygwinPath = useCygwinPath;
230     } //-- void setUseCygwinPath( boolean )
232     /**
233      * Set switch off if you do not like to use
234      * <code>--non-interactive</code> e.g. on Leopard (see
235      * SCM-402).
236      * 
237      * @param useNonInteractive
238      */
239     public void setUseNonInteractive( boolean useNonInteractive )
240     {
241         this.useNonInteractive = useNonInteractive;
242     } //-- void setUseNonInteractive( boolean )
244 }