Uses of Interface

Packages that use CommandLineCallable

Uses of CommandLineCallable in org.apache.maven.shared.utils.cli

Methods in org.apache.maven.shared.utils.cli that return CommandLineCallable
static CommandLineCallable CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLineAsCallable(Commandline cl, InputStream systemIn, StreamConsumer systemOut, StreamConsumer systemErr, int timeoutInSeconds, Runnable runAfterProcessTermination)
          Immediately forks a process, returns a callable that will block until process is complete.
static CommandLineCallable CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLineAsCallable(Commandline cl, InputStream systemIn, StreamConsumer systemOut, StreamConsumer systemErr, int timeoutInSeconds, Runnable runAfterProcessTermination, Charset streamCharset)
          Immediately forks a process, returns a callable that will block until process is complete.

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