Interface JavaTool<Request extends JavaToolRequest>

Type Parameters:
Request -
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface JavaTool<Request extends JavaToolRequest>

Describes a java tool, means a executable available in the jdk.

The name of the tool (getJavaToolName()) reflects the name of the executable that should exists as an executable in the jdk, like jarsigner, keytool, javadoc, ....

An abstract implementation of the JavaTool named AbstractJavaTool use the command line API to execute any user requests of this tool.

Tony Chemit

Method Summary
 JavaToolResult execute(Request request)
          Execute the input request and then returns the result of the execution.
 String getJavaToolName()
          Return the name of the java tool.
 void setToolchain(org.apache.maven.toolchain.Toolchain toolchain)
          Set an optional tool chain to find out the java tool executable location.

Method Detail


String getJavaToolName()
Return the name of the java tool. This is exactly the name (without his extension) of the executable to find in the jdk/bin directory.

For example: jarsigner, keytool, javadoc, ...

the name of the java tool.


void setToolchain(org.apache.maven.toolchain.Toolchain toolchain)
Set an optional tool chain to find out the java tool executable location.

toolchain - optional tool chain to find out the java tool executable location.


JavaToolResult execute(Request request)
                       throws JavaToolException
Execute the input request and then returns the result of the execution.

If could not create the java tool invocation, a JavaToolException will be thrown.

If execution fails, then the result will have a none-zero JavaToolResult.getExitCode() and his JavaToolResult.getExecutionException() will be filled with the error, otherwise the exist code will be zero.

request - the request to perform
the result of the tool execution
JavaToolException - if could not create the java tool invocation

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