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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the difference between maven-failsafe-plugin and maven-surefire-plugin?
  2. How can I reuse my test code in other modules?
  3. Surefire fails with the message "The forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye".
  4. Crashed Surefire or Failsafe plugin must indicate crashed tests
  5. How can I run GWT tests?
  6. How do I use properties set by other plugins in argLine?
  7. How maven-failsafe-plugin allows me to configure the jar file or classes to use?
  8. How to dump fatal errors and stack trace of plugin runtime if it fails?
  9. Corrupted STDOUT by directly writing to native stream in forked JVM
  10. The files cannot be deleted when Jenkins CI killed Maven process and the tests still continue running.
What is the difference between maven-failsafe-plugin and maven-surefire-plugin?

maven-surefire-plugin is designed for running unit tests and if any of the tests fail then it will fail the build immediately.

maven-failsafe-plugin is designed for running integration tests, and decouples failing the build if there are test failures from actually running the tests.


How can I reuse my test code in other modules?

Visit this link for your reference, Attaching tests. Also see the examples for Inclusions and Exclusions of Tests.


Surefire fails with the message "The forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye".

Surefire does not support tests or any referenced libraries calling System.exit() at any time. If they do so, they are incompatible with Surefire and you should probably file an issue with the library/vendor. Alternatively the forked VM could also have crashed for a number of reasons. Look for the classical "hs_err*" files indicating VM crashes or examine the Maven log output when the tests execute. Some "extraordinary" output from crashing processes may be dumped to the console/log. If this happens on a CI environment and only after it runs for some time, there is a fair chance your test suite is leaking some kind of OS-level resource that makes things worse at every run. Regular OS-level monitoring tools may give you some indication.


Crashed Surefire or Failsafe plugin must indicate crashed tests

After a forked JVM has crashed the console of forked JVM prints Crashed tests: and lists the last test which has crashed. In the console log you can find the message The forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye.


How can I run GWT tests?
There is a specific gwt-maven-plugin at codehaus, but if you want to run with Surefire, you need the following settings:

Use the following configuration:




Try reuseForks=true and if it doesn't work, fall back to reuseForks=false


How do I use properties set by other plugins in argLine?

Maven does property replacement for

values in pom.xml before any plugin is run. So Surefire would never see the place-holders in its argLine property.

Since the Version 2.17 using an alternate syntax for these properties,

allows late replacement of properties when the plugin is executed, so properties that have been modified by other plugins will be picked up correctly.


How maven-failsafe-plugin allows me to configure the jar file or classes to use?

By default maven-failsafe-plugin uses project artifact file in test classpath if packaging is set to "jar" in pom.xml. This can be modified and for instance set to main project classes if you use configuration parameter "classesDirectory". This would mean that you set value "${}" for the parameter "classesDirectory" in the configuration of plugin.


How to dump fatal errors and stack trace of plugin runtime if it fails?

By default maven-failsafe-plugin and maven-surefire-plugin dumps fatal errors in dump files and these are located in target/failsafe-reports and target/surefire-reports. Names of dump files are formatted as follows:





Forked JVM process and plugin process communicate via std/out. If this channel is corrupted, for a whatever reason, the dump of the corrupted stream appears in *.dumpstream.


Corrupted STDOUT by directly writing to native stream in forked JVM

If your tests use native library which prints to STDOUT this warning message appears because the library corrupted the channel used by the plugin in order to transmit events with test status back to Maven process. It would be even worse if you override the Java stream by System.setOut because the stream is also supposed to be corrupted but the Maven will never see the tests finished and build may hang.

This warning message appears if you use FileDescriptor.out or JVM prints GC summary.

In that case the warning is printed "Corrupted STDOUT by directly writing to native stream in forked JVM", and a dump file can be found in Reports directory.

If debug level is enabled then messages of corrupted stream appear in the console.


The files cannot be deleted when Jenkins CI killed Maven process and the tests still continue running.

Surefire and Failsafe plugin may kill forked Surefire JVM when the standard-input stream is closed. This works when you stop Maven process by CTRL+C but it is not guaranteed on all platforms and this mechanism will be removed after the version 3.0.0-M5 (setup of TCP sockets for interprocess communication). The Surefire and Failsafe 3.0.0-M4 disabled mechanism PINGing parent process and natively killing mechanism. In order to enable these mechanisms, see the documentation of the configuration parameter "enableProcessChecker" and enable these mechanisms. These mechanisms have some drawbacks regarding your OS systems and GC, therefore see the documentation for the parameter "enableProcessChecker".
