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Maven Archetype Plugin

The Archetype Plugin allows the user to create a Maven project from an existing template called an archetype.

It also allows the user to create an archetype from an existing project.

This plugin requires Java $javaVersion.

Maven Archetype Plugin Overview


Instructions on how to use the Archetype Plugin to create a project can be found on the usage page.

The Archetype Plugin is embedded in IDEs (Eclipse, NetBeans, IDEA).

Instructions on how to use the Archetype Plugin to create an archetype from an existing project can be found on the advanced usage page.

Goals Overview

The archetype plugin has four goals for direct use:

and three goals bound to default lifecycle by 'maven-archetype' packaging:

  • archetype:jar (bound to the package phase) is used to build the archetype jar artifact.
  • archetype:integration-test (bound to the integration-test phase) is used to execute archetype integration tests by generating sample projects from the just built archetype.
  • archetype:update-local-catalog (bound to the install phase) is used to update the local catalog.


The specification page contains the specification of the main parts of the Archetype Plugin.