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Archetype creation

Creating an archetype from an existing project involves three steps:

  • the archetype resolution
  • the archetype installation:deployment
  • the archetype usage


Calling mvn archetype:create-from-project the plugin first resolves the package by guessing the project directory.

It then generates the directory tree of the archetype in the target/generated-sources/archetype directory.

mvn archetype:create-from-project
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'archetype'.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building project
[INFO]    task-segment: [archetype:create-from-project]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Preparing archetype:create-from-project
[INFO] No goals needed for project - skipping
[INFO] Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class => 'org.codehaus.plexus.velocity.ContextClassLoaderResourceLoader'.
[INFO] Setting property: velocimacro.messages.on => 'false'.
[INFO] Setting property: resource.loader => 'classpath'.
[INFO] Setting property: resource.manager.logwhenfound => 'false'.
[INFO] [archetype:create-from-project]
[INFO] Setting default archetype's groupId:
[INFO] Setting default archetype's artifactId: project
[INFO] Setting default archetype's version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Setting default groupId:
[INFO] Setting default artifactId: project
[INFO] Setting default version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Setting default package:
[INFO] Archetype created in target/generated-sources/archetype
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 4 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Fri Feb 22 21:49:52 GMT 2008
[INFO] Final Memory: 10M/26M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Then move to that generated directory and call mvn install on the created archetype.

$ cd target/generated-sources/archetype/
$ mvn install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building project
[INFO]    task-segment: [install]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [resources:resources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] [resources:testResources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class => 'org.codehaus.plexus.velocity.ContextClassLoaderResourceLoader'.
[INFO] Setting property: velocimacro.messages.on => 'false'.
[INFO] Setting property: resource.loader => 'classpath'.
[INFO] Setting property: resource.manager.logwhenfound => 'false'.
[INFO] [archetype:jar]
[INFO] [archetype:add-archetype-metadata]
[INFO] [archetype:integration-test]
[INFO] [install:install]
[INFO] Installing /home/local/rafale/projects/tmp/project/target/generated-sources/archetype/target/project-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/rafale/.m2/repository/com/company/project/1.0-SNAPSHOT/project-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] [archetype:update-local-catalog]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 10 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Fri Feb 22 21:51:57 GMT 2008
[INFO] Final Memory: 14M/35M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Finally move to a fresh directory and use your archetype.

$ mkdir /tmp/archetype
$ cd /tmp/archetype
$ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'archetype'.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Default Project
[INFO]    task-segment: [archetype:generate] (aggregator-style)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Preparing archetype:generate
[INFO] No goals needed for project - skipping
[INFO] Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class => 'org.codehaus.plexus.velocity.ContextClassLoaderResourceLoader'.
[INFO] Setting property: velocimacro.messages.on => 'false'.
[INFO] Setting property: resource.loader => 'classpath'.
[INFO] Setting property: resource.manager.logwhenfound => 'false'.
[INFO] [archetype:generate]
Choose archetype:
1: local -> project (project)
Choose a number or apply filter (format: [groupId:]artifactId, case sensitive contains): 1:


The create-from-project goal enable the user to provide some sensible configuration using the system properties or a property file.

The system properties permits the user to define the groupId, artifactId, version of the created archetype. They also permits to override the resolved package and to create a partial archetype.

When used, the property file takes precedence over the system properties. It is also the only way to define additional properties in the archetype.