Generates release announcements. It takes information from the
POM and from the changes.xml
file and using a template
generates release information.
Here is a sample announcement:
The maven team is pleased to announce the Maven Announcement plugin 1.1 release! The Announcement plugin generates release announcements. It uses the information found in both the POM and in the changes.xml file to generate the announcement text. Changes in this version include: New Features: o Added description information from the POM to the generated announcement to explain what the project does. o Added information in the generated announcement to indicate from where the plugin can be downloaded. o Added information in the generated announcement to indicate how to install the plugin using the plugin:download goal. o Added more information when running the plugin. Also added a check to verify if the announcement version matches an entry in the changes.xml file. Fixes MPANNOUNCEMENT-2. Thanks to Fabrizio Giustina. o Several new additions that makes the plugin more generic: the team name is now taken from pom.groupId, "[]" are removed from the first line, changes are sorted by type, changes report issue number and due-to, the download link is generated from pom.distributionDirectory and the "plugin has been tested with..." line has been removed. Fixes MPANNOUNCEMENT-1. Thanks to Fabrizio Giustina. Fixed bugs: o Add a space after the "." of the "Fixes xxx." (which happens when you use the "issue" attribute in changes.xml). Changes: o Added maven.announcement.file property and echo'd it during generation To automatically install the plugin, type the following on a single line: maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-announcement-plugin -Dversion=1.1 For a manual installation, you can download the Maven Announcement plugin here: Have fun! -The development team